Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: The Training Zone:

The very next day, both ministers walked into the hallway to sound their trumpets as they began to play the song reveille; the same song that was played in the U.A.V academy to wake the students up.

As the song was sounding through the brass instruments, everyone in the bedrooms were all scrambling to get up, get dressed and get ready to start the day. Of course, it was training day.

"Reveille Reveille, this is a roll call!!! Get your uniform on and head downstairs!!!" Roared Norton.

"This is probably the first time i've ever been woken up by a drill sergeant in all my life." Catney muttered as she was brushing her teeth inthe rest room,

"Meh, you'll get used to it." Void responded as he was putting on his cap, he wasn't phased by the loud music.

"Dislike...dislike!!!" Saki argued as she was trying to put her shoes on.

The rest of the rangers looked at the 3 individuals weirdly. "So this is the sh*t anti-viruses have to deal with on a daily basis? No thanks." Axer Blue whispered.

Once the students were ready, Void opened the door and ran downstairs to the gymnasium while everyone followed close behind.

When they arrived at the gym, the students were in awe.

The gymnasium was big, it had 2 floors, and open for any type of training exercise needed to keep anti-viruses active. It even had soft grass mats to mimic the ground from the outdoor environment.

Suddenly, both Norton and ClamWin entered the room and began to introduce the training to their fellow students.

"Ladies and fellow rangers, welcome to the U.A.V training room. Before the U.A.V academy, this facility was where we trained many anti-viruses just like you; before we administered their exams. Nowadays, it functions as a secondary training facility for any anti-virus who wishes to 'up their game' if you know what I mean." Norton explained.

"And with the limited amount of time that we have to train ourselves, we have decided to pair you up into teams of 3. Catney and Saki, you're withme. Together, i'll be teaching you about virus culture. Axer Rangers, you'll be working together by fighting each other, while learning virus detection and removal." ClamWin chimed in.

"Good, as long as we don't fight each other. That's all I care about." Catney sighed in relief.

"Honestly, I fought with Catney twice now, I don't want to fight her a thirdtime."

"Wait what? You want us to fight each other?" Axer White complained.

"But of course. By fighting each other, you will learn to understand each other's strengths and weaknesses. In doing so, you will all be able to adapt against any virus that gets thrown at you." Norton said.

Void then stepped towards Norton and asked, "But wait a minute minister, what about me?"

Norton walked up towards Void and placed one hand over his shoulder. "Void Ranger, you and I are gonna train in private."

"Private, why is that?" Void questioned looking curious.

Norton smirked,"Because, I am giving you the opportunity to take the next exam."

Void backed away looking shocked. "Now wait just a minute!!! Let me get this straight. Are you telling me that after all we've been through; after the U.A.V academy was destroyed! Hell, after SNT quitting school... You still want me to take the second exam?"

"Well misterVoid." Norton smiled, "U.A.V academy or no academy, we of the United Anti-Virus movement have administered hundreds of exams long before building the academy. And since you are now here with us in this very room, I think it's about time you return to schooling. Only this time; we're doing things the old fashion way, as it was for many generations. What say you mister Void?"

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