Chapter 1

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Veronica's POV

He covers my eyes and we walk on the sand somewhere. He says it's a surprise.

When we reach the destination, he lets go of my eyes and I open them.

On the sand, I see the words drawn in: Will you be my girlfriend? <3

I turn around and scream,"Fuck yes, Ramir! I love you so fucking much!" I kiss him many times all over his face.

"Daaaamn, thirsty ass." He laughs at me. He's so mean, but I love him.

I instantly fell in love with him after I saw the words. I know we're too young to learn about love, I'm 15 and he's 16, but I think I have an idea of it.

We hold hands and call a cab to take us back to his house.

We arrive at his place and we walk in and go up into his room. We both lay down on his bed and sleep.


"Veronica, you should go home, there's school tomorrow." Ramir whispers into my ear.

I open my eyes and say,"Exactly, school is tomorrow, so I get to hang out with you for as long as I want." I smile up at him and he smiles back. He kisses my forehead and gets up. I continue to sleep.

3 MONTHS LATER (a/n: lmfao I have an idea thts y :P)

Ramir's POV

Me and Veronica hold hands while in the halls of school. We have only one class together, which was Math, but we weren't near each other at all.

We both go our separate ways. She has language arts and I have science first period.

I walk to the classroom, until I'm pulled aside to a corner.

"Hey, Ramir. How's that new hoe you're dating?" Hadil says being the slut she is. (a/n: ve ont worry u ain't a hoe 😂) She was a nobody at school and no one likes her. She was a complete confusing bitch who has the worst grammar in the whole school. That's basically why people hate her.

"First of all, get yo stank ass mouth away from my nose, I can barely breathe from that stank ass stench. Second of all, Veronica ain't a hoe, bruh. You the hoe!" I start laughing hysterically. I then walk away and head into my classroom.

My science teacher is Ms. Low. She's the coolest teacher in the whole school.

Veronica's friends, Maria and Kianna, walk up to me. Maria asks,"So, you and Veronica still dating?" She smirks. Then, Kianna asks,"Did you guys, you know, get some yet?" Kianna and Maria both laugh at me and walk away.

Man fuck them. Always nosy and shit. (a/n: Kianna ur not 😂)


I walk over to my next class. After about 30 minutes into class, I ask to use the restroom.

I walk out into the hallway. Just as I walk in the bathroom, someone pulls me to the side.

"What the fuck?" I say. Before I could tell them to get off of me, I feel lips on my lips.

Veronica's POV

"Veronica, since your closer to the door, can you take this note to the office? Thanks." Ms. Chow smiles at me.

I grab the pass from her hand and walk out to the hallway. But, in the corner of my eye, I can see two students making out.

I look over at them to see it was Ramir and Desiree.


if ur my friend n ur reading this first chapter, ont take any offense, u guys aren't like this in my eyes. love yall 😂


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