Chapter 4

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Veronica's POV

I walk out of the bathroom and we were all set to go. I ate before I left my house, so I wasn't that hungry.

We all put our luggage in the van and get in. Kianna's dad, our only chaperone, starts driving. It was about 4-5 hours to get to LA from San Francisco.

About an hour later, I tell everyone to get in the selfie I was taking and take a picture. Then, I post it to my Instagram.


We finally arrive in LA and Kianna's dad drives us to the house we're renting.

We reach the house and we all get out. As we were taking out our luggage, another van drives up.

The door opens and comes out Dylan, Miles, Sean, Cameron (not Dallas), Corey, Darin, Aaron, Rihard, and Adrian.

They all walk up to their girlfriend and hug them. Dylan walks up to me and gives me a big hug. I had to tiptoe, since he was so tall.

"Hey Dylan." I say still holding him.

He greets me. Then, I see Ramir come out of the van.

I let go of Dylan, which was still holding me by the waist,"Why did you bring Ramir?" I ask him looking into his eyes.

"Look, he's my friend, and I felt bad for him." He says.

"But does he know about-" Before I could finish, Ramir turns Dylan around and punches him.

"Oh my god! Dylan!" I scream kneeling down.

"What the fuck Ramir!?" After I say that, Dylan has trouble getting up, so I help him up.

Just as he was about to punch Ramir, I hold him back. "Please... Don't hurt him!" I say choking on my words. I'm crying at that point.

"Get in the house, Veronica." He demands.

"But-" He cuts me off and says,"Now! Just go!"

I hesitate, then run inside along with everyone else.

"Aren't you boys gonna do something about this shit?! They're gonna get fucking hurt!" I scream at the boys.

"Ramir will fuck us up if we try interfering." Miles says. He doesn't care about anyone, but himself.

"Fuck you." I say while shaking my head.

I look down at my hand and notice blood on my hands. Dylan is bleeding. I look through the windows. If this gets out of hand, I'm calling the cops.

Ramir's POV

"What the fuck are you doing to Veronica? She's mine, so lay the fuck off." I scream at Dylan.

"Why don't you fucking lay off, we're dating and you can't do shit!" He screams back.

He swings at my face real hard. Then, my vision turns dark.

Dylan's POV

Shit. I knocked him out. I look down at my hands and see blood all over it.

I just stand there, staring at Ramir's unmoving body. Then, Veronica runs to Ramir and shakes him.

"Ramir? Ramir! Wake up!" She screams and cries on Ramirs's chest.

This is a great way to start a weekend.


Veronica's POV

"Yeah... he's fine, he's in the hospital." I say to Ramir's parents. They say goodbye and hang up.

It was 11:00 pm, so everyone was resting up except for me and Dylan.

I walk up to Dylan and say,"What the fuck was that?"

"He pissed me off, so I just swung at him with all my force." Dylan says.

"I don't think I could date a boy that hurts people." I scream at him.

"You're really going to break up with me right now? We only dated for like 2 days!" He screams at me.

"Yeah. Sure. We're fucking done." I scream at him then walk out of the house.

I call a cab and head to the hospital. We reach the hospital and I pay the cab driver and get out.

I walk inside the hospital to the front desk. "Hi, excuse me, what room is Ramir Chuatico in?" I ask the lady. She looked slutty with her cleavage popping out.

"Down that hallway and the second door to your right." She says while point to a hall.

Before I walk away, I tell her,"Thanks. And you look like a fucking slut with your cleavage popping out that big. Pull yo ugly ass suit up because you ain't even have boobs. Good luck with men." I say while fake smiling.

I walk to the room where Ramir was staying in and open it. I run to Ramir because he was awake.

I hold his hand and say,"Oh my god, are you okay, Ramir?" I say while covering my mouth with my right hand and holding his hand with my left.

"Yeah... I'm fine." He says with a raspy voice and smiles at me. I start crying because of what he looks like. He looks so hurt.

"Are you mad at me, Veronica?" He says frowning a little. I shake my head and kiss his forehead.


wattpad's being a bitch for me, won't let me publish shit. 😪😒✋🏿


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