Chapter 15

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Veronica's POV

Is it just me, or did Desiree become a complete bitch in one day? I ignore her words and just continue the rest of the day not giving a fuck about her bullshit.

I am a little scared though. I don't know what she's going to do to me.

Me and Ramir have math together next period, so we walk there together. He looks at me with a weird look.

"You seem a little pale. What happened?" He asks obviously concerned about me.

Words fill my mind from earlier today. I'll make high school a living hell. I guess I was in deep thoughts when Ramir lightly nudges me.

"Huh?" I say while turning my head towards him,"Oh, it's nothing." I say smiling at him.

After math, we go to our last class. All of my friends and I have PE and luckily today we didn't have to change into our uniforms and we have free time.

Everyone else is playing basketball, but I wasn't in the mood. I'm still worried about what Desiree told me if I didn't leave Ramir alone. It's hard because I like him, so I don't know how to stay away from him. He may not feel the same way, but I really like him.

I'm walking laps around the blacktop, just thinking about the same words. Then, someone taps me and I turn around to see who it is. In front of me was Dylan.

"Hi." I say awkwardly and smile.

"I know this is dumb and sudden, but just know if anyone threatens you or hurts you, I'll beat their ass." He says seriously. Did he know about what Desiree told me?

"Wait how do-" I was cut off by a loud whistling noise made by my PE teacher. I hesitate, then run over to my class.


Fuck homework. I had so much Social Studies homework. My SS teacher always gives us a shitload.

As I'm doing my wonderful, fun homework, my phone rings and I get a text from Dylan.

Dylan 😂😂- Hey.. Meet me in your backyard..

What the fuck? He's in my backyard? Weirdo.

I head downstairs and open the door leading to my backyard. I walk outside and check my surroundings for Dylan. I see him sitting in the little house in my backyard.

I walk over there and say,"Why are you here and how the hell did you get in here?" I ask placing my hands on my hips.

"We need to talk." He says gesturing me to sit down next to him.

"Look... Um, I have bad news to tell you." He starts off.

"Spit it out already, damn." I say about to burst from impatience.

"Okay, okay. Ramir is a bad influence. He beat up this one guy after school today for flirting with his friend's girlfriend. I don't think you should be hanging out with him anymore." He says staring at me straight in the eyes. I could see the pitty and sympathy in his eyes. I don't know if I should trust him. I've never seen Ramir be that violent.

"You're lying." I say pissed. "You're just fucking jealous that I'm attracted to him and not you." I get up and walk into my house, leaving him in the small hut.

Ramir is a sweet and caring guy... right?


next chapter tmo


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