Chapter 14

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Veronica's POV

I move a lot in my bed, until I feel something jump on me. I open my eyes to see my sister, Abby, jumping on the bed.

"Wake up, wake up. Dad told me to tell you that school is starting in 25 minutes." She says while giggling.

I look at the clock in shock. Shit. It's 8:00. I jump up from bed and take whatever clothes I find in my closet and change into them. Then, I run to the bathroom and brush my teeth real fast.

I check the time once again and it was 8:15. I scream in frustration and run downstairs with my backpack over my shoulders. I say goodbye to my parents while running out of the door to my brothers car.


I run up into the hallways and put my shit in my locker and run to first period. I knock some 6th graders out of the way, but I didn't give any fuck about those lil bitches.

I made it to first period just in time. I had language arts first. Mr. Smith was my teacher. He made the dumbest jokes ever. Ain't no one laughed at them.


I walk over to my locker and put my things inside and I meet my friends in the cafeteria.

"Hellooooooo." I say to everyone. They all greet me.

"Look, Ve, Ramir's over there." Kianna says while pointing towards the table he was sitting at.

"Shut uuup, I don't like hiiiiiim." I groan while taking a seat next to my friend Jaseryll.

After everyone was done eating, we all walk down to the blacktop. When we reach downstairs, I see Ramir and Desiree arguing. Then, Desiree starts walking towards me and I ask her,"What happened?"

She ignores me and just brushes my shoulder. I walk towards Ramir.

"Hey, what happened between you and Desiree? I don't wanna sound nosy though." I ask Ramir. He puts his hands in his pocket and looks down at the floor.

"We broke up. I saw her flirting with another guy. Then, she just started arguing with me and we broke it off." He says tilting his head up to look at me. I could see sadness in his eyes.

I didn't want to see him like this, so I offer to go to the park after school just to hang out.

After going to the last few classes, me and Ramir walk to the park. We both walk over to the swing and we just talk. It was nice out. The grass was green, birds were chirping, and it was just peaceful.

Desiree's POV

"Have you guys seen Ramir? I need to talk to him." I ask Maria. We both wanted to go to Quickly's at Westborough Square.

"No, but I think I heard Ve saying they're going to some park." She says while texting CJ on her phone.

I never flirted with a boy. I wouldn't do that to Ramir. I love him too much to do that to him.

As we walk down the hill from Westborough Middle School, we pass a park. I see 2 people on the swings. It was Ramir and Veronica. I can see that far, I mean, I'm not that fucking blind.

Hell no. Fuck is that bitch doing to my boyfriend? Or.. ex.


Veronica's POV

I walk into the hallways of school and try to find Ramir. I find him with his friends and call him over.

"Hey! Feeling better?" I say smiling at him.

"Yeah, since you're here." He says smirking at me. He steps closer to me making me back up to the lockers. His face was inches away from mine.

"Ramir! C'mon, let's go chode." His friend Sean screams at him then laugh with the rest of his other friends. He looks over at them and nods in their direction. He walks away, but looks back and winks at me.

I could feel my cheeks burning red. He fucking winked at me. Oh my lord. I mentally squeal and head to class.

I was feets away from my first period class, until someone calls my name. I turn to see who it was and it was Desiree.

"Hey Desiree!" I say smiling at her. She smiles back and walks towards me.

"So I saw you and Ramir at the park. Was it fun? You guys seemed to really hit it off." She says forcing a smile.

I hesitate, but say,"Yeah! It was really fun with him." I say smiling, showing my teeth.

She fake smiles and giggles, then stops,"Look here bitch. Lay off my fucking man, or I'll make high school a living hell for you." Talk about fucking bipolar.

I was shocked at what she just said. "Nice talking!" She says smiling at me once more, then walks away. Bipolar as fuck.

They broke up though. That's what I don't get.


idk I tried. thanks for reading 💯


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