Chapter 8

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Ramir's POV

"Are you fucking kidding me? You lost your virginity to Dylan!?" I'm about to kill him. First, he takes her from me, then he does her.

"I'm sorry. I was drunk. He was drunk. I passed out and he just-I don't know, okay?!" She says crying.

"Don't fucking lie to me, Veronica." I say pissed off.

"I'm-I'm not. Look, I just need a friend or someone right now. I'm already in a worse situation right now. I'm a teen with a fucking baby!" She says crying harder. I take her in for a hug. We should've used protection.

"It's okay. I'm sorry." I say sympathetically,"How about this." I say while letting go.

"You stay at home and take care of Cam, while I try to find a job. Sound good?" I ask.

She nods her head and I leave her to find a job in San Francisco.


I'm still having trouble finding a job, but I'm applying for a hair cutter. It's better than nothing, even though I don't know anything about cutting hair.

After the interview, I didn't get the job. I'm frustrated, so I go have some fun in a strip club. I just need a time for myself.

I walk into the strip club and sit at a table. I order a beer, and watch this one girl strip.

I finish the beer after a few minutes and I order another one. The waitress walks up to me. She looks familiar. She looks a lot like... Desiree?

She sets my drink down,"What the fuck are you doing... in here... whore?" I say. I'm already drunk after one drink.

"I needed the extra money. College is really close, so I'm saving money." She says while walking away.

Next, my vision goes dark.

Desiree's POV

"Close up, okay Desiree?" My manager says while slapping my ass.

I nod and he leaves. I check if there's anyone in the club still.

I see Ramir passed out on a table. I nudge him.

"Ramir? Wake up and get your ass outta here." I say.

He lifts his head up fast and says,"Huh? Oh, hey there... pretty fucking... lady." He was so drunk.

"Uhh, thanks, I guess." Then I help him stand up. He tumbles and his lips lands on mine.

My eyes widen and I don't kiss back. I don't need Veronica beating my ass again. He kisses me and I try pushing him off, but his grip on me was so tight.

Finally, I was able to take my lips off of his lips.

"What the fuck are you doing!? You're dating Veronica. Stop cheating on her!" I say screaming.

"P-please... I want one last... time with you, before... I-I become a fucking d-dad." He says still drunk. Did Veronica have a baby?

I really want to do it with him one last time, so I lead him to a private room, and I take control.


Ramir's POV

I wake up next to Veronica. Maybe last night was just a dream.

I check my phone and see a text message from Desiree.

Desiree 🍆👅- last night was good but we can't let that happen again. don't tell Veronica. and I drove you home after we had sex. you're welcome :).

I quickly delete the conversation, and turn off my phone. Did we use protection? I don't remember anything from last night. Worst of all, I didn't get a job.

I get up from bed and call my parents to ask for money.

My mom answers and I say,"Hey, um Mom... can I..." Then I hear crying through the phone,"Mom? Are you okay?"

"No, honey.. Now's not a good time. Your father..." She says through sniffles.

"Dad has what!? Tell me mom!" I say.

"Your father wants a divorce and he's not leaving me with any money." She cries.

How am I going to take care of Cam, Veronica, and my mom? I need to find a job quick.


srry. I'm makin Ramir's character into a real muhfuckn man-whore 😂


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