Chapter 12

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Veronica's POV

I don't know where I'm driving to. I don't know who to turn to now. I thought of going to my parent's house, but they don't approve of me having a baby at age 15.

I start running out of gas. "Fuck." I swear under my breathe. I pull up to a curb, and park my car. I get out and take Cam out of his car seat. I rock him so he would stop crying.

Then, it starts to rain. My type of day. I put Cam back in his car seat. I close the door and I try to get a signal on my phone. I try calling my friends, but they won't answer.

I finally give up, and I sit down on the floor, in the rain, and I rest my head on my knees.

I was lost, and I was hungry. The car had no more gas, so I can't go anywhere while carrying Cam and my belongings even if I tried to.

Then, I hear wheels stop in front of me. They get out of the car, and it was Dylan.

"Veronica? What are you doing on the street? Where's Ramir?" He says while taking off his jacket and covering me with it.

I get up and hug him tight. He was the only person I could trust right now. None of my friends even answered me.

He lets go and says,"What's wrong?"

"Ramir kept cheating on me, so I left him." I say about to cry. Maybe Ramir wasn't the one for me. And, Dylan IS the biological father of my baby. "Can I stay over at your place? I have no where to go."

"Yeah, sure. I'll get your stuff out of your car." He says while taking Cam out. He gives him to me, and covers Cam with a blanket.

After he gets my stuff, we drive to his house.


Me and Dylan are dating, once again. I decided to forgive Ramir at Amelia's funeral. It was in 2 days.

I don't have a black dress for the funeral, nor does Cam. So, I decide to bring Cam with me to buy some clothes for the event.

I drive to the store and look at the prices.

"Cam, look, you like this one? It's fucking pricey though. Jesus christ." I whisper the last two sentences.

After buying our outfits, I walk to my car. I open the door and put Cam on his car seat. I close the door and jump. On the car window says,"Watch out, Veronica."

I run to the driver's seat and drive off.

2 DAYS LATER (Amelia's Funeral)

"You ready, Dylan?" I yell towards the bathroom. I was in a black dress with white designs on it. I put Cam in a baby-sized tux. Dylan walks in the room with a matching tuxedo.

"You look great." I say kissing him. We all drive to the funeral. We arrive, and I hold Cam in my right arm while holding Dylan's hand with my left hand.

Maria walks up to me. I let go of Dylan's hand and I hug Maria. Then, I walk towards where Amelia was. I see Corey crying hard.

I try to find Ramir. "Have you seen Ramir?" I ask Miles. He points towards a tree.

I walk to the tree and I look behind it. I see Ramir and Desiree making out. I run away while holding Cam tight so he wouldn't fall out of my arms.

I was about to cry, but I hold it in. I guess I wasn't going to say sorry.

The funeral started and it was that part of the event where we speak to everyone about the deceased.

Dylan walks up to the podium. He insists I go up with him, so I bring Cam too.

Then I hear a loud gunshot.

thanks for reading. might b boring.


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