Chapter 6

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Veronica's POV

I hear my stomach growling really hard. I sit up and I feel like I was going to throw up. I run to the bathroom and tilt my head down to the toilet. Then, I throw up.

I flush the toilet, take a towel, and wrap it around my body. I walk out of the bathroom and head over to my room. I change into some pajamas and tie my hair up in a messy bun.

I felt hungry, so I go downstairs and look at things in the fridge. I take out a chocolate bar and some ketchup. I dip the chocolate bar into the sauce and eat it. It tastes so good.

Maria walks in with chinky eyes. She looks like she just finished rough sex with her boyfriend. Her hair was messy, her shirt was torn, and her shorts were torn as well.

"What the hell are you eating?" She asks while yawning. She was a complete mess.

"Chocolate with ketchup. Why? Is it bad?" I ask her.

"It's not bad. Well, I dunno, but that's disgusting." Then she walks off. Tayra hasn't woken up yet.

Shit. After having sex with Ramir, I've been craving weird and different things. What if I'm... pregnant?

Then, someone knocks on the door and Adrian, Destiny's boyfriend, opens it. Dylan was at the doorway and walks in and up to his bedroom. Where the hell has he been?

I walk out of the kitchen and walk over to Anastasia.

"Do you have a pregnancy checker thingy?" I whisper to her.

"Y-yeah... why? Don't tell me you're-" Then she pauses and stares at me. She looks through her bag and finds one. No one really knew why she holds one all the time, she doesn't even know herself.

I run up to the bathroom and check if I'm pregnant. It was positive.


9 MONTHS LATER (a/n: bc there's something gna happen 😂)

I moved in with Ramir after I told him the news back in LA a while ago. His parents are completely supportive and will support me through anything. They gave me a choice of having an abortion or keeping it, and I chose to keep it.

Me and Ramir are at a restaurant. While I'm eating, I feel my leg wet. I look down from under the table to see a trail of blood on my leg.

"Ramir..." I say while pointing down.

He immediately picks me up and runs out to grab a cab.

"Hurry the fuck up, my girlfriend's going into labor!!" He screams at the driver.

We finally arrive and I was sweating real bad. They take us in a room and they prep me for birth.

After an hour of pushing (idk how long ya gotta push), my baby came out.

"It's a boy." The nurse says while handing me the baby. I take the baby into my arms.

"His name will be... Cam." I say while smiling at Ramir.

Then, I hear whispers from the nurses and doctors. Then the doctor walks up to me.

"Ma'am, we need to have a DNA test on you're baby and boyfriend. We just need to double check something. We found something in your baby." I nod my head.

He takes the baby and my husband to a separate room and takes their DNA.


The results of the DNA test came in. They told me they found something in my baby, but I hope it's nothing.

Just before I open the envelop, I hear a knock on the door and I open it. It was Dylan.

"Hey." He says then hugs me,"I came to see your baby." Me and him are friends now.

I let him in and I let him hold the baby. I then open the envelop and read the results. Cancer was negative which was good.

But then I see something wrong with the DNA of my baby's biological father.

His biological father was...


dumb ending but yall get wut ya get 😂😂


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