Chapter 11

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Ramir's POV

I let go of Veronica and I cup her face.

"Why did you drive while drunk? You can get charged for that! You got everyone worried!" I yell slightly at her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing." She says while panting,"I was in the afterlife for a few minutes. There was light and just happiness."

I kiss her on the head. Then, I hear another beeping noise. I turn my head and see that Amelia was dying, so I call a nurse from outside.

Again, they tell us to go outside. Corey was crying horribly.


Amelia's heart beat stops and a long beeping noise fills the room. We all run in and Corey walks up to Amelia and cries on her chest.

"What happened?! Did you guys try to fucking shock her!?" Corey yells to the doctor. The doctors and nurses ignore and leave the room. He shakes his head in frustration.

"Amelia, I will never find a girl like you. These chocolate boobs will be nothing without you." Corey says while crying.


All the girls turned out alright. Veronica got charged for underage drinking and driving under the influence. Right on her birthday. She served only 12 hours, and now she's back at home.

Veronica seems a little drowsy still. I decide to leave her with Cam, so I could try and find a job. My mom is starting to run out of money.


Desiree invites me over to her house to talk about what happened the other night.

"Why do we still need to talk about this? It was a one night thing." I say while entering her house.

"You have to admit, it was good, right?" She asks while smirking.

"Fine... I'll admit it WAS good, but we can't let it happen again." I say. Veronica will kill me if she finds out. (a/n: who watched Legal Wife or wutever on TFC? 😂😂)

Desiree tells me to shut up by putting one finger over my mouth. She takes my shirt off slowly and starts kissing me.

Veronica's POV

Ramir is taking a while to find a job. After I bottle feed Cam, I set him down in is cradle to sleep. I take my phone, and quickly text him.

Ve-Where are u?

I wait for his reply, but he doesn't answer. I check the tracking device I put in his phone (because I can). He was in Desiree's house. Really now?

*skip car ride*

I reach Desiree's house and knock on the door. After a few minutes, I let myself in. I try not to make any noise and I check the living room. No one was there, nor the kitchen.

I try looking upstairs. I open one of the doors and I see Desiree on top of Ramir. Hell to the fucking no. I run over to Desiree, who was still butt-naked, and I pull the bitches hair, even tighter than last time.

"Bitch, I told you not to do shit to him anymore. Thirsty ass hoe can't lay the fuck off my man." I yell at her.

I push her off the bed and I bitch slap Ramir.

"What the hell are you doing? Do you hate me this much? Have you guys been fucking for a long time now?!" I scream at him.

"She came on to me first! I swear!" He yells back. I want to believe him, but I can't. He cheated on me three times now, with the same fucking girl.

"Ramir, we're done. For good." I say while running out of the house.

I get in my car and I slam the door. I start crying and hitting the steering wheel. He keeps cheating on me. I didn't do anything wrong.

I start the engine and drive as fast as I can back to Ramir's house.

I run inside and take all of my belongings and put them in my car. Next, I take Cam and his cradle, I put them in the middle seats, and I drive off.

I didn't know where I was going. But, somewhere far away from here.


I wrote this on my computer sooooo yea. thanks for reading. it might b boring 😂


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