Chapter 16

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Veronica's POV

I walk up into my room and dive onto my bed. I start to do my homework. After a few minutes, I get a text from Dylan.

Dylan😂😂- sorry about earlier

I hesitate to answer, but I do anyway. I type some words in and hit send.

Ve- it's fine i'm just a lil moody today

I stare at my phone waiting for his answer. He doesn't respond, so I continue my homework. I hear my computer ringing and check what it is. Dylan is calling me on oovoo.

I set my computer in front of me and I answer it. Then, I call Maria, Tayra, Kianna, and Jheyzelle. Dylan is making it awkward, so I called them.

They all pick up and greet me. I smile and continue my homework again.

After a few minutes of silence, Dylan texts me,"Can we oovoo alone? I need to talk to you separately."

I groan and end everyone and call Dylan. He answers immediately.

"What the fuck do you want? I'm trying to do homework." I say a little ticked off.

"About what Desiree said.." How the hell does he know about that? He pauses then continues,"You should do what she says. Ramir can be violent sometimes."

"How the fuck do you know what she told me? Were you eavesdropping?" I say while doing homework.

"No, I just happened to walk by and heard what she said. If she threatens you again, tell me because I can take care of her." He says concerned.

"Do you think I'm weak?" I laugh,"I can handle shit by myself." With that, I end the call and finish my homework.


Today is Mini Course Day, where everyone goes to a specific class to do fun activities, or complete shit activities, and at lunch we have free time with our friends and there's basically another load of things you can do.

During lunch, I wanted to hang out with my friends, but I always do with them, so I chose to hang out with Ramir. It's Friday, I don't care what Desiree does to me on Monday. She'll probably forget by then.

I walk around on the huge blacktop, trying to find him. I give up and groan. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Ramir smiling.

"Hi." I say. His hair's gelled up again. It looks good on him. The rest of the day, me and Ramir have fun and laugh. We play knock out for basketball and other activities.

The bell rings, indicating that it's time to go home. Me and Ramir walk up into the hallway and just talk. He playfully bumps into me and I do the same.

Desiree's POV

"Hah, you dumbfuck, suck my dick." I say to Maria while laughing and goofing off in the hall. But, my smile fades into a frown.

I see Ramir and Veronica laughing and smiling. Bitch doesn't know how to back off.

I finally arrive at my house. I run up to my room and text Maria.

Desiree- ay, send me a funny pic of ve. jus wna post her on my insta n make her my wce

A minute later, she sends me a pic of Ve. If only Maria knew the REAL purpose of why I asked her for a photo. Oh lord, Veronica doesn't know what'll hit her.


Veronica's POV

"Bye PJ." I say getting out of his car. "Bye Ve." He says.

I walk up the stairs to the hallways. As I walk in, everyone stares and laughs at me. As I walk through the hall, they start to point at me too. What the hell is going on?

I see one of my friends, Jaseryll, and ask her,"Why is everyone laughing at me?" I say about to cry. She shows me her phone. On the screen, I see a picture of me making the weirdest face possible in the whole school, with the words on the bottom saying,"Queen Weird Bitch." Desiree. She did this.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks sympathetically.

I nod and I give back her phone and run out of the hallway. I'm in tears at this point.

My eyes must have been really blurry because I feel something hit me and I fall. I sit up, rubbing my tears away from my eyes. In front of me is Dylan.

He swears under his breath and helps me up.

"Why are you crying?" He asks sympathetically.

"Field. Bleachers." I say in between sobs.

We walk down to the school's field, not caring when class starts. We both walk up to the bleachers and sit down. There's a moment of silence, as I take in the scenery in front of me.

After recovering from crying, I speak to Dylan.

"Everyone was laughing at me because of a weird face I made." I say while frowning. "Worst part is that I didn't see Ramir. I thought he would've comforted me, but I guess not."

"Veronica, look, you can't keep getting your fucking hopes up on Ramir. He's probably gonna lead you on, then fucking throw you away like what happened to one of your friends." He says.

"Stop. I just need a friend right now, okay?" I say about to cry again.

"S-sorry." He says while rubbing my back. "Hey, that photo probably isn't that bad."

"Check your messages, Desiree probably sent it to the whole school." I say laughing sarcastically. There's another minute of silence, as Dylan checks his phone. I hear him giggling and I look over at him and glare.

He stops immediately,"Yeah... it's pretty bad." I smile a little and hit him as he laughs.

Ramir's POV

I talk to my friend about the next basketball game down on the field. Then, I see Veronica and Dylan sitting on the bleachers.

"Hey, I'll meet you up in the lockers." I say high-fiving him while looking at them.

I have a little crush on Veronica, hell I think I like her a lot more than Desiree. But, if another boy interferes, I'll kick their ass.

I hear the bell ring, and I run up to my locker. Then, I head to class.


Veronica's POV

I cover myself with my hood. I try to look for Ramir near the basketball courts on the blacktop. I see him talking to his friends and I walk over.

"Ramir, can we talk?" I say lightly grabbing and tugging his arm to walk with me.

"S-sure. Guys, I'll be back." He screams over at his friends.

We walk around the blacktop until we find a spot perfect for talking alone. I sit down on the bench, and he takes a seat next to me.

"So.. did you see the photo of me?" I ask him, looking straight ahead.

"Yeah. But, don't worry, it's not bad. I don't know why people-" I cut him off.

"Stop, you know it's bad, I know it's bad, and the whole damn school probably know it's bad." I say looking at him,"But, that's not why I'm here talking to you. I wanted to ask if you had any idea about this?"

"No, I wouldn't do that to you. I also have a question to ask." He pauses,"Was that you and Dylan... O-Onas was his last name I think, on the bleachers down on the field?"

Shit, don't tell me he's going to beat Dylan up.

"Uh, no, why?" I lie. I don't want Dylan to get beaten up, even if his statement was true.

Hopefully, Ramir believes it wasn't me and Dylan.

next chapter tmo or later. it's almost my bday 😈😈💯👑🎉


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