Chapter 17

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Veronica's POV

"No, I wouldn't do that to you. I also have a question to ask." He pauses,"Was that you and Dylan... O-Onas was his last name I think, on the bleachers down on the field?"

Shit, don't tell me he's going to beat Dylan up.

"Uh, no, why?" I lie. I don't want Dylan to get beaten up, even if his statement was true.

Hopefully, Ramir believes it wasn't me and Dylan.

"Are you sure? I'm not that blind. I can see pretty far with my glasses." He says with a raised eyebrow. If he finds out that it was me and Dylan, he might beat the shit out of him.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I say smiling at him. Maybe he'll believe me.

Dylan's POV

I sit there waiting for the bell to ring. I almost fall asleep listening to Mr. Smith. As I'm about to close my eyes, I hear a thud next to my foot. I look down to check what it is. It's my reading book, so I reach for it and pick it up. I place it down on my big, thick, red binder. Then, I see a note next to it.

I open the note and read what it says.

Meet me down on the field. 3:00 sharp. Bring no one with you.

It had no name on it. As I'm stuffing it in my big ass binder, the bell rings and I grab my heavy, thick ass binder and run out to my locker. I open it, grab my shit, and stuff my heavy, big ass binder in my backpack. I walk out of the hallway.

Should I even go? I don't even know who wrote the damn note and they might cause trouble. They may not even go to this damn school.

I decide to go because I'm not a wuss, so I head down to the grassy ass field. I check the time. It's 3:01. Well, I'm late.

I reach the field and try to look for the person who wrote the note. After a few minutes of looking, I had no luck, so I make my way back up to the blacktop. As I'm walking up, I hear someone behind me.

"Where the hell do you think you're going, Dylan?" I hear someone say from behind. I turn around to check who it is and in front of me is Ramir.

Shit, did he see me and Veronica today in the morning? Is he going to beat me up?

"Come down here." He says gesturing for me to walk down. I do as told. I walk down and stand in front of him, a few inches away.

"So, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan. If you hadn't done what you did this morning, then we wouldn't be in this mess." He says sarcastically.

"I just need to clarify; were you with Veronica in the morning?" He asks folding his arms.

"Y-yeah." I stutter. Damn, I'm acting like a damn wuss today.

"Aw, c'mon Dylan. Don't be afraid of me." He says,"I'm only here to talk. And, Veronica lied to me, I guess. She told me you guys weren't together in the morning. Maybe she was just worried about you getting beat up by me, or she was too embarrassed to be seen with you. Huh, I guess she cares about herself or you." He says smirking at me then laughing at my blank expression.

"So, let's get down to business. You and your little fat ass stay away from Veronica or I'll beat your fucking ass. And, I'll basically make high school hell for you." He says laughing a little at his words. He called me a fat ass. I was ticked off.

"Look here, 'Mr. Bad Ass,' you aren't even dating Veronica so why don't you shut the fuck up. She's my friend and I deserve to hang out with her. And you can't tell me what to do, so why don't you scoot your little flat ass to the sidelines or I'll kick your flat ass all the way back up your mom's vagina." I say seriously. (a/n: idk 😂)

He places his hand over his chest and sarcastically gasps. "Oh my god. I am so scared. What's your little midget ass gonna do?"

I actually didn't know what to do. So I just stand there, motionless.

"Well then, I guess you chose me to beat you up. Let's begin." He says smirking.

He gets into a fighting position and I slowly, and awkwardly, do the same. He counts down and he grabs me before I can grab him. He smashes me onto the ground, sits on me, and punches me multiple times on my face. I grab a hold on his shoulders and flip us over. Now it's my turn to fuck his face up. I punch the shit out of him with all my force. I guess I'm really weak because he grabs me from under and smashes me on the hard, dirt floor once again. But this time, he doesn't lay on me, he kicks me in multiple areas that I don't need to name.

So, I just lay there, covering my face and head, helplessly.

Veronica's POV

School ended pretty fast and I'm already making my way to my locker. Me and Dylan have plans after school for a project.

I pass Darin and ask,"Have you seen Dylan?"

He looks up at me and says,"Yeah. He said he was going to the field. He was rushing too." I nod my head thanks, and head to my locker. I grab my stuff and run to the grassy field.

I reach the stairs leading down there and I search the area for Dylan. There's no one here. I guess he went home early.


or did he go home 😂? next chapter tmo.


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