Chapter 4 -

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Chapter 4 – Mina's mission

The four main devils are training hard and training the other young devils that Shigaraki's group kidnapped. Kyoka sits and watches them beside her master as he could tell she was clenching her fist.

[in Japanese] "why are you so angry Kyoka?" he asked looking into her dark eyes.

[in Japanese] "you know why I'm angry, I want revenge" she muttered but all Shigaraki did was chuckle.

[in Japanese] "all in good time Kyoka...all in good time. Have you any plans for the ball since I want my cure" Shigaraki said before coughing and scratching his rough flaky skin.

[in Japanese] "find the person with the cure and kill them" she said so simply with no hesitation. She turns her head to smile at her master who smiles back at her nodding along.

Kyoka gets back up and starts to train with the other devils in the room who train to attack each other. To make the younger devils stronger.


The four devils sit in the break room. Momo makes tea for the girls, but Kyoka just sits opposite Denki's portrait on the wall looking all villainous. Her face was straight and emotionless even though every time she looks at the picture, rage fuels her blood.

[in French] "Jiro, come have tea with us" the dark-haired devil spoke in a chipper tone, but Kyoka just ignored her as her eyes were glued onto the portrait whilst her fists tightened so hard, her nails were again digging into her skin allowing small drops of blood to escape.

"I'm not thirsty" she mumbled as her eyes didn't break contact.

"Well..." Mina broke the silence in her thick Russian accent as she gulps the last drops of her tea before putting on her devil's uniform. "I shall, leave you all...master has given me my mission and I will succeed into doing it" she added as she looked into the other devils' eyes stunning them with her black and yellow ones. "Uraraka, make sure that those cameras are disabled by 9:00 sharp" was all the pink devils said walking out the break room and to fulfil her mission.


The time was 18:00. Mina gets out of her car and to a hotel. She applies red gloves onto her pink hands whilst she walked into the building so whatever she touched; no fingerprints would be discovered. Lightly with each finger, Mina cracks her knuckles one by one as she walks towards the bar area with thick black glasses planted on her face.

The pink devil sits beside the bar hoping to find who Shigaraki wants her to kill. Patiently she waits. Like a lady, she lifts her right wrist to check the time which read 18:30 for how long she was waiting. With a deep sigh she downs a straight Gin shaking her head at the strength of the drink. Letting out a cough she hears a chuckle from a man beside her.

"You don't seem to be used to a good drink" the man said in a Russian accent which was more understanding to why Mina was given the mission. The moment she saw his face, she knew it was the face on the file her master ordered her to kill.

There was a specific reason to why she needed to kill him and that was he was always on Shigaraki's back for a payment that just was never going to be done. So, he sent mina out to kill him. He was supposed to help with his condition hence the payment but since Shigaraki found a better solution from the other doctor, he wanted Mina to dispose of this one.

[in Russian] "do you speak Russian like me?" she asked in a giggly tone as that was all part of her act.

[in Russian] "why yes I do" he replied in a flirty tone which gave the signal for the pink devil to giggle again.

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