Chapter 19 -

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- [ ] Chapter 19- a night of regret

A red-headed hero grunts in pain as he slowly wakes up all hardened up She realizes that he is trapped under the chandelier but as he de-hardens, the second hero can crawl out of the broken chandelier that could have crushed him to death and had the biggest headache.

Staggering around the building where the ball was now isolated, Kirishima tried looking for the other heroes. He walked to the bar where Deku was passed out and bleeding on the back of his head. "shit! DEKU GET UP!" the red-headed hero panicked running to his companion trying to wake him up. A small groan escaped from Izuku as he had a bigger headache.

"whoa, where am I?" he strained his words and Kirishima tried helping him up. Izuku's hand touched the back of his hair which was matted from the blood that clung onto his green strands. "that bitch" he struggled to speak and Kirishima just found a table cloth and ripped it so that he could wrap Deku's head. "where are the others?"

"I don't know" Eijiro stressed and once Izuku got the strength to walk, they both went to the balcony/outdoor area as they remember Shoto was out there with Momo. "Todoroki!" Eijiro shouted trying to get an answer.

Izuku looks over the balcony to see the third-ranked hero to number 1 laying on a pillar of ice casually melting it with his fire. "Kirishima I found him," Deku said looking over.

The heroes ran down to the garden area where the pillar was and saw Shoto finishing his melting technique. "what happened to you guys?" Shoto asked and they just stared at him with straight faces.

"We failed the mission that's what happened. Those devils are sure something" Kirishima answered and Shoto looked at Izuku's bleeding hand with four small holes dug into it.

"don't even ask, it's not that bad, what about you though you've been stabbed everywhere," Izuku asked but Shoto just shrugged it off.

"it's not that bad, it was a small dagger so It didn't puncture anything serious" Shoto explained and the other heroes sighed with relief. "wheres Bakugo?" Shoto asked and then Izuku and Eijiro looked at each other forgetting about the number one ranked hero who would still be in the building.


"so you have a daughter that needs medication?" Katsuki said and Kyoka nodded sadly acting her part of the charade. "and that guy is her father"

"yes, he never once cared about her and I had to beg him and the only time I could get hold of him was tonight at this ball as it's the only place a fight wouldn't break out between us," Kyoka said with a slight chuckle.

The number one hero nods along and sips more of his drugged drink without realizing and wonders why he's feeling all fuzzy and caring since he doesn't usually act this way towards anyone. He watches Kyoka's eyes sparkle the more he drank the drink and as he smiled, he could hear a small voice in his earpiece trying to reach him. "can you hold on a second, I need to go to the bathroom" he said and Kyoka nodded along and laid down on the bed whilst he walked to the bathroom to run a shower hoping she wouldn't hear.


"where the hell have you been, a massive fight broke out, and you are nowhere to be seen in this ginormous place," Eijiro said whilst he and the other two heroes hunted for number one.

"I'm in a hotel room with one of them and I didn't hear anything," Katsuki said and looked in the mirror wondering why he was feeling strange and breathing heavily.

"dude are you okay you sound like you're having a blowjob right now?" Eijiro asked and Katsuki just rolled his eyes at the question he was just asked.

"no, I just think that...I had a few drinks with her and...I err"

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