Chapter 9 -

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Chapter 9 – Shoto is disturbed

An hour before all that drama with the penis chopping happened, Shoto Todoroki walked down to platform three checked his watch heading to his agency. Mind blank and to himself, he stared at the timetable of the trains grunting with irritation from his train being delayed. He walks over to the yellow line checking his phone in case he had messages from the other heroes case there are any red alerts. He hoped that he wouldn't get that dreadful call to deal with a murder.

Patiently waiting, Shoto looks at his watch again before looking ahead of the platform onto the fourth realizing that a young woman with long black hair raining passed her shoulders soaking her clothes from the chaos of the rain. Shoto thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world that looked extremely unique. Her skin was like porcelain, her ruby red lips contrasted with her skin tone. He tilted his head as her contact wouldn't break so he let out a smile before looking away.

He never really expected people to stare at him in such a way but in a way, he liked feeling noticed. Did she know he was number one? Is that the only reason why she was staring or did she find some sort of attraction? All those questions flooded through his head not knowing. He wanted to cross that platform to talk to her but before he could, his train arrived which saddened him slightly. Maybe it wasn't meant to be.

The second number one hero gets on the train and heads down to his agency which would be a half-hour journey.




He finally gets off and the rain had stopped and clear blue skies opened the clouds to let the sunshine through. He looks at his watch knowing he's late and the moment he gets to the door of his agency he gets a call from the police. "hello?" he asked in a clueless way.

"number one we need you!" they panicked which confused the hero. "there's been a murder"

"where?" he asked in a more worried tone.

"Alexandra street train station" the police panicked which caused Shoto to roll his eyes as he had to go back the opposite way which would be an extra half an hour. "PLEASE GROUND ZERO, RED RIOT, AND DEKU AREN'T AVAILABLE!"

Shoto left his agency, running to the train station to get off at the Alexandra Street Train station.




He rushes off to the platform and races to the platform four sides to see a bunch of people being blocked by police as they wanted to know what was going on. The police tried their best to evacuate the location but there were too many people to evacuate. "SHOTO!" people cheered for their hero as he came barging passed them.

He ran to an officer who looked sick in the face which confused the hero. "Shoto, thank god you're here! There's been a nasty murder, like nasty!" the officer panicked letting Shoto through the barricade of police officers and nosy citizens.

They walk to the train that had to be stopped as investigators were figuring out what had happened. The detective was there and shook Shoto's hand. "Shoto, I'm so sorry to rush you out here but the other heroes in the area are extremely busy and you were our only hope to figure out what had happened," the detective said which still made Shoto baffled.

The two walked into the train of carriage six and instantly he could tell something was up. He carried on walking until they got to the bathroom to see the dead victim of Momo and Shigaraki as his head hung off his head. Frozen in disgust Shoto looked over at the detective thinking he was insane involving everyone in a murder like this but then again it's the hero's work to figure out what villain did this. His heart raced and his stomach dropped wanting to throw up but had to be professional.

"is there any camera footage?" the hero asked which made a couple of officers and the detective laugh.

"if there was, we wouldn't need you would we," the detective said allowing Shoto to investigate the body.

He gulped and slowly walked to the corpse with a hanging head. Investigators handed him gloves so none of his DNA affects the body and his eyes scanned around the entire body. Lightly he touched the victim's shoulder but with the pressure, he put on the body the head ripped off what was left of the flesh on his neck causing Shoto to panic and rush backward from the body. "SHIT!" he yelled holding his shaking hands out as his heart raced fast against his chest.

"it's okay, it was bound to fall off," the detective said as Shoto just stared at him as if he was crazy. "all we need you to do is figure out if there are any insights of quirks used, it could help find the villain quicker when it comes to investigating deeper" he added. Shoto stood up to look around the bathroom to see a small black cube glued to the wall. Reaching up, he yanks the cube off the wall and checks around it realizing straight away what it was. "what is it?" the detective asked.

"it's a soundproof device, it only lasts for about an hour but transfers all sound in this so nothing is heard from the outside...cleaver person, not so clever to collect it though," Shoto said passing it over to the detective. "they are quite cool, they trap all the soundwaves in that trapped space and can be unleashed with a USB"

"brilliant! I'll give it to Ground Zero, he is currently having troubles with the culprit he's dealing with. She's a sound-quirked villain" the detective said taking the box out of Shoto's hand and shoving it in his pocket.

Shoto went back to investigating the body using the iced side of his quirk to make a thin layer on the body until the ice bubbles over the gore smoosh where the victim's head should be to notice a chipped blade jammed into the flesh. One of the investigators give him an empty plastic bag and tweezers to that the hero could remove the blade from the neck looking at it clearly with confusion.

"hmm...this isn't like any weapon," Shoto said staring at it as it was like jelly in a way. "whoever killed him, created this weapon, I feel like it's a type of quirk," Shoto said as the detective jotted down notes. "pretty cool really" he added.

Shoto put the weak blade into the bag so he could go and investigate it further. "I'll figure this out don't worry. I'll try my best to get the answers you want" he said shaking the detective's hand.

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