Chapter 20 -

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- [ ] Chapter 20- an eye for an eye, Heart for a Heart

'Katsuki!...' Katsuki sat up on a field all by himself but could hear his wife's voice shout his name. the sun shone brightly on the hot summer's day but his wife's voice sounded distressed 'Katsuki!" her shouts were louder but the husband couldn't see Myra anywhere, his daughter's cries were also echoed at this point. The beautiful summer field was now full of darkness and blood-red skies which freaked the hero out. "KATSUKI WAKE UP!" Myra shouted.

Instantly the hero was brought back into the present from the sounds of his screaming daughter next to him. Katsuki's vision was all blurry but could tell he was seated and as his vision got better, he could see Myra tied up so her legs were hanging off the ground. When Katsuki caught his breath he looked to his left side and saw that Scarlet was in her crib screaming. His head gazes back to the stage where Myra was hanging by her arms and tried to get up from the chair but was severely tied up.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" Myra panicked and Katsuki just had that fear surrounding his body. "Katsuki I'm scared" the red-headed wife cried.

"It's going to be okay Myra, I'm going to get us out of this!" he assured.

It wasn't long until echoed humming came from the left-wing of the abandoned stage and a long-haired devil came skipping in. "oh look your awake finally!" she cheered which made Katsuki give her an angry look. "sorry it's hard to take you seriously tied up like that" she laughed and walked over to Myra who was tied up dressed in her Pjs.

"LET MY FAMILY GO ALRIGHT!" he yelled but all Kyoka did was stare at him blankly. "DID YOU FUCKING HEAR ME LET THEM GO!"

"oh I did hear you but why am I going to want to listen to a tied-up weak hero" she snickered "it's sad, if you didn't include your wife in this business, she and this baby wouldn't be in this situation" Kyoka randomly added as she glided the tip of the blade gently on Myra's arms down to her torso. Kyoka looked over to Katsuki who was looking extremely confused "the bus massacre, she's the main reason why I'm caught out and...I don't appreciate that" Kyoka said turning her head back to the scared redhead tied up on a plank of wood. "it's your fault. Just like how it was your parent's fault a few years ago that went snooping in business that wasn't yours" Kyoka giggled which made Myra cry as she found out that Kyoka was the one to kill them.

"MYRA DON'T LISTEN TO HER ALRIGHT SHE'S TRYING TO GET IN YOUR HEAD!" Katsuki yelled and that's when Scarlet started to scream louder than usual.

"I would love to kill you, and I will, but you need to know something first, I just don't feel comfortable keeping this from you," Kyoka said which confused the tied-up hero beside the cot of the screaming infant. "last night at the ball your husband did something scandalous," Kyoka said biting her lip and showing Myra a love bite on her neck.


"I mean, I don't want to make things awkward but...he slept with me, and oh my god isn't he great" Kyoka giggled which made Myra turn her head to Katsuki crying not wanting it to be true.

"MYRA I DID IT FOR THE MISSION ALRIGHT IT MEANT NOTHING TO ME AND I WAS FUCKING DRUGGED!" he yelled. But Kyoka just shook her head in disbelief at Katsuki mocking Myra's emotion.

"Terrible, he marries you, builds a family with you, and four months later he sleeps with me...a devil," Kyoka said making the blonde feel guilty. "the funny thing is I gave him a route out, I asked him if he wanted to stop but then next minute I felt his large dick in me" Kyoka taunted laughing at how angry Katsuki was getting and just turned to look at the crying wife. "he could have just fought me but maybe your body taking time to heal got him too horny and couldn't handle the wait" Kyoka giggled again.

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