Chapter 18 -

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- [ ] Chapter 18- a fight breaks out

Kirishima and Mina are still dancing and his eyes scan down to study her purple gown with slight turquoise pattern spread across the material of how her dress holds everything of her body up and how it accents her pink curves. His lip slightly gets bitten by his sharp teeth and notices the large slit where her thigh would be revealed. Even though she was a devil, he still found her sexy especially how they are a lot older, it tortured him more. 'she's a flirty one, she'll trust you more if you hint a sexual tension to her' Red Riot remembered Hawks' words to him and let out a gulp.

"So...does dancing make you happy?" he asked, and Mina just chuckled in a confused way. Clenching her arms around his shoulders.

"What makes you say that?" she asked and Eijiro thought of what to say to her next.

"Just because you dance so well, I was their other stuff that makes you happy" he suggested whilst whispering huskily in Mina's ear as his hand glazed up her thigh making her body shiver slightly. She loved the feeling of his hands and wanted to feel them everywhere on her.

"h-how did you know stuff like that makes me happy?" she asked and Red Riot just looked at her confused... "I didn't think Heroes sleep with enemies" Mina said and ripped his mask off his face knowing it was Eijiro the entire time and that she just didn't want to believe it.

Eijiro tries to reach out for her as he pulled out quirk removing cuffs, but Mina was able to avoid his attack and scratch his face where her acid would slightly burn him but as she watched him harden his skin, her quirk barely did anything to him which made her angry.

"You don't have to fight me Mina, I'm trying to help you!" Red Riot yelled but Mina was too under Shigaraki's control and started to attack which made a lot of dancing guests fear and panic as a fight had broken out in the ballroom.


Shoto and Momo danced for almost an hour in each other's arms laughing and giggling with each other. She loved being spun and entering by his chest where his arms would protect her from falling. "I wish we could dance forever" Momo gushed which made Shoto smile. The only thing that pained his heart was that he had his quirk removing cuffs ready just in case, he didn't want to betray her, but he has no choice. "Can I tell you a secret?" she asked and Shoto paid attention.

"what's that?" he asked. And Momo put her hands in his hair to comb them through his red locks but suddenly notices her hand is red. All this time she danced with the enemy. She was hurt yet happy at the same time, happy because she could finally speak to him but hurt because she'd have to kill him.

Momo pulled Shoto into a hug whilst they carried on dancing, it was only so he couldn't see her creating a knife from her arm. "I get scared when people know who I am" she said as the knife dropped to her hand. "Because, when they know me, I have to kill them" she sadly said as tear fell down her eye whilst she stabbed Shoto's left shoulder making him grunt in pain. "I'm sorry" she panicked and ran back upstairs to create another object knowing that she wasn't strong enough to fight him not without the serum, but she didn't want to be caught by him.

Shoto pulled the Knife out of his shoulder and using his ice to block the bleeding. "Okay, going to play this way huh" he said to himself and racing up to the stairs to stop Momo from running off.


Deku and Ochaco head to the bar and he orders the two of them a drink, hopefully he'll get her drunk so he can arrest her whilst she was intoxicated but he knew the devils are a lot stronger than that, but it makes them slightly weaker when it comes to fighting.

He watches her drink and drink until he gets his cuffs ready just in case. "Say, have you seen what is happening in the world right now?" Izuku said looking at his watch.

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