Chapter 21 -

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- [ ] Chapter 21 - angry and alone.

The rain poured heavily in the privet heroes' graveyard whilst all the heroes in America (I don't remember if I mentioned that the book is set in America) gathered around to say their final goodbyes to the hero that was able to relive the past. The coffin lowered down into the 6ft hole and Katsuki was the first to throw the dirt into the ground. He couldn't cry anymore as all his tears dried up and turned to anger flooding through his blood and veins.

He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder and as he turns to his side, his mother Mitsuki looked at her son who she could feel was hurting deep down, and pulled him into a hug which was rare for her to do. "you don't have to put on a brave face you know, you are allowed to cry" she said but Katuski just shook his head and chuckled.

"I've cried too much already" he spoke in a very monotone. It was as if he were a robot being controlled. He had no emotion left in him. Scarlet started to cry in the crip that was protecting her from the rain and the single father walked over to his red-headed daughter who was the spitting image of Myra and picked her up making sure that she was protected with the umbrella his father was holding over his son and granddaughter. "it's okay, Mama is sleeping safely okay, and one day we'll see her again I promise" Katsuki said trying to calm down his tiny daughter.

Everyone started to disperse from the burial to the finalize and headed to the number one penthouse to pay their sympathies to the number one hero. Katsuki and his family remained because he couldn't find the strength to move. "did you want me to take her so that you can have some time?" Mitsuki asked but Katsuki didn't answer, he just loosened his arms slightly from his daughter's grip and let Mitsuki take hold of her granddaughter.

"dad you can take the umbrella now" he bluntly said.

Masaru sighed and walked off making sure that Scarlet wouldn't get wet from the rain and they followed the heroes back to the penthouse where Katsuki lived with his wife and daughter only now would be him and his daughter.

The rain poured violently, drenching the hero causing his clothes to act like anchors dragging him down from how heavy the water had made them. The water smashed onto his face acting out his tears as he just tiredly watched the grave being covered by the experts. He waited that long until they were done with their job. Katsuki walked over to the covered grave and put his hand on the soggy dirt protecting his wife. "I'm sorry baby" he whispered. He wanted to cry but couldn't. "I'll avenge you don't worry...ill make sure of it" Katuski angrily gritted his words and stood up walking to his penthouse where everyone was.


Everyone eyed the number one hero who was drenched and covered in dirt but he ignored his guests heading up to his room leaving a drenched trial of mud and rainwater from the front door, to the main open floor plan, to the stairs up to his room.

Katsuki just stared in the mirror realizing that he wasn't wearing a tie, mainly because the last time he wore one was when Myra helped him with it before the ball. The drenched hero clasped his hand gently across his throat trying to remember his wife tying it.

"kacchan?" Katsuki was disturbed by seeing Izuku walk into the room and in the vision of the mirror. "hey, just checking in on ya" Izuku said.

"I don't feel like coming down at the moment" Katsuki sulked and Izuku nodded sitting on the edge of the bed. With his hands resting above his knees. "Deku..." Katsuki suddenly spoke getting the second hero's attention. "how did you feel after your mother's funeral?" Katsuki asked and instantly Izuku felt sad.

"well, even though she died when I was eighteen, it still doesn't feel real. The moment I saw her, I was depressed, I couldn't breathe, eat or sleep. My blood was always boiled because of the person who murdered her" Izuku said gripping his fists tighter, so tight that his nails pierced through his skin because he was angry at himself for not getting the revenge he craved.

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