Chapter 12 -

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Chapter 12 – Deku is called

The day was sunny and blistering hot and at the famous heroes training school UA the final number one hero was happily training the students on how to keep their strength under control. The green-haired Hero makes sure that everyone was enjoying their lessons as they were extremely grateful to have one of the number one heroes as their teacher/trainer to help develop their futures as become their symbol of the piece.

"you guys are so great, keep up the good work" Izuku praised the students out in the training court. He had a beaming smile whilst he watched all his students use their unique quirks for good. his smile soon faded when the police were calling his phone which he knew wouldn't be good. "hello, your talking to Deku" he said over the phone whilst watching his students train.

"number one, we need you" the fourth need from the police cried which made Izuku confused.

"can't you talk to Ground Zero or Shoto or even Red Riot because I'm in a class?" he asked with a smile.

"They are busy with their murder suspects," the police said causing Izuku's frown to turn into fear. He hoped he wouldn't have to deal with all the murder going on but he decided to breathe deeply and nod along.

"Okay, whereabouts are you?"


The green-haired hero walked down the isolated roads where police and investigators took photos of the murder of one of Shigaraki's villains who soon turned out to be Ochako's Victim. He walked towards the detective confused. "what's up?"

"Another murder in the past month Deku, it's not good. Ground Zero, Shoto, and Red Riot are all struggling with suspects. Red Riot was able to figure out one but we all think the other suspects are working together. And we need you to figure out this one...I swear to god we are going to run out of heroes if more murders are taking place" The detective moaned.

"w-well, how messy is this murder?" Izuku stuttered as he was the most scared to see a dead body... 

"pretty messy number one, you might want to follow me," the detective said whilst Izuku followed him through the group of policemen, passed the yellow tape, and to the body that looked like a ripped doll needing to be re-stuffed.

Immediately Izuku ran to a bin to throw up which made the police officers confused about his actions. That was until the detective said "take it easy on this symbol of peace, he's had to deal with something like this before" jotting down on a notebook.

Deku stormed over to the detective feeling angry. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU LINK ME WITH A MURDER LIKE THIS KNOWING EXACTLY!-" he yelled but the detective just held onto the number one hero's shoulder. "I don't want to do this again" the green-haired hero cried falling onto his knees.

The detective lowered down to Deku's level whilst he cried trying to hold his strength but was too weak too. "look, I know how hard it is for you since something like this happened when you were 18, but, this can get you closer to people who did this to your mother, Deku, in case this happens to someone innocent again, we need the four of you to crack this and bring these women down" the detective said. "I will give you some time to compose yourself" he added standing back up to brush the sand off his blazer walking to the investigators. "give number one some time, he'll be with us in a moment!" the detective loudly spoke trying to figure out clues whilst Deku could breathe and compose himself.

Minutes passed and Deku realized what he had to do for his job so he got up and walked toward the corpse not saying anything. His eyes watered at the sight of it imagining seeing his mother like it in the street early hours of the morning which broke his heart deeply. The green-haired hero crouched down to study the body more "Villain or not, no one deserves this" Deku said with a quivering lip.

He took a deep breath realizing that some of the gore beside the body was floating. Izuku tilted his head to the side noticing it. "a gravity manipulation quirk" he instantly said which got the detective jotting down the clues. "very rare but can be very powerful, this killer used the gravity to yank out this guy or-" Izuku felt like he was going to throw up again "to yank out his organs" he managed to finally say. "is there anything I can put this in?" Izuku said looking at the slight floating mush.

One of the investigators took out a sealable beacon that can hold onto quirks to help investigate further. Deku was given gloves to put on whilst he picked up the floating gore into the beacon until he realized something. "is everything alright number one?" the detective asked and Izuku just froze.

"This quirk is so rare that it's hard to investigate DNA to get from. We need to figure out If there's any other type of DNA on this body...or what's left of it" Izuku said trying to holdup vomit in his system.


Deku and the Inverstaigtor put the dead body of the villain in an autopsy room which confused the detective on what to do. Deku took a deep breath and took a small torch out of his pocket which clung to his front door keys. "Detective, do you mind shutting the lights off" number one instructed. The detective did what he was asked and then made sure he and Deku were in darkness.

That was until Deku clicked on the torch which ended up being a UV light. "what do you have a UV light?" the detective asked and Deku just scanned the light up and down the arms, legs, and then finally the chest of the victim.

"I have it because when they were investigating my mother, they found handprints on her skin, so I said to myself 'if I even come across a murder almost identical, I will have the equipment to prove that it's the same person I still have the DNA from the prints from my mother's body and the pictures that have the prints, and I will be using exactly this to trace this sick psycho" Deku explained angrily smiling at the handprint plastered in the middle of the victim's chest. The number one hero took a picture of the lit body and the detective finally turned the lights on as they got what they needed.

"so what are you going to do now?" the detective asked.

"I'm going to catch this murderer and make them regret the actions they have done," he said walking out of the autopsy room and straight to the hero's science lab to figure out what to do.

Alright I know I said I was gonna leave yoh alone but I liked the izuocha chapters so much I don't know why 😂😂 I felt like it was getting to similar to the other chapters so I hope you enjoyed it.

Love you guys so much. Write to you soon


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