Chapter 15 -

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Chapter 15 – The Truth

It's getting closer to the ball that was meant to happen but due to a deadly disease being unleashed, everyone had to isolate which in a way was good for the devils because they could train a lot more than usual to bring the four top heroes down. They were ready to spill blood and they were going to make sure their master was happy. And wouldn't fail him.

Kyoka heads out of the training room and heads to Shigaraki's 'office' since he wanted to talk to her. Three knocks on the door and the blonde psycho opens it giving Kyoka a devilish grin. "Hello Jiro," she said gritting her teeth, they didn't like each other, better than that, they despised each other mainly because Toga wanted to be a devil, but Jiro wanted to be part of the League of Villains, both craved each other's job role, and both would make each other jealous because of it.

"Let her in Toga" Shigaraki's dry voice could be heard from inside his black room lit up with dark purple and blue LED lights.

It was the first time Kyoka would ever be in this room, the devils weren't allowed on the top floor, except they had to be on the bottom floor to train and practice killing to increase their strength, the three basement layers are where they belonged.  When Toga let Kyoka in, she noticed Hawks sitting at the back beside Dabi, but she decided to ignore it. all of Denki's colleagues surrounded her but all she did was ignore them and go to her master who was sitting on a barstool.

[in Japanese] – "you wanted to see me master?" she asked softly.

Shigaraki tapped his hand on the barstool next to him where a drink of Kyoka's favorite was in front of him. Double vodka and a gin straight. Kyoka swallowed a small gulp and sat beside her master.

[In Japanese] – "you remember the ball that got canceled" he asked, and the purple-haired devil nodded along. "Well...I need you to find gowns for you and the girls, it has finally come back on. I need you to get something for me there, remember that mission where you were hunting for my cure, but the doctor thought he was clever to give it to someone else to hide from me?"


[in Japanese] – "well that person who has my cure, is still going to the ball. And what's even more fun is, your other murder mission will be at that ball, first I want you to get the briefcase which will hold my cure and then kill the hero, or at least make him break faith and trust" he said and showed Kyoka a picture of the tabloids about the number one hero becoming a father. It made her angrier because she believed he didn't deserve to be happy not after when he stole her happiness away.

Kyoka's fists clenched and nodded slowly which curved a large smirk from her master's dried lips.

[in Japanese] – "yes master"


The winged hero who worked alongside the Todoroki, walked into Katsuki's agency where all the other heroes were from his order. They waited for Hawks to speak and all he did was give them a chuckle. "you guys better get out and buy Tuxes because those devils are going to be at a ball" Hawks chuckled which caused them all to stare blankly at the double agent hero. "Shigaraki is still hunting for that cure and has assigned his devils to be at the ball so that they can cure his quirk or at least make it more controllable, and we can't have him get stronger so... you're going to stop them" the blonde suggested, and the heroes looked at each other.

"When is this ball?" Todoroki asked and Hawks scratched the back of his neck thinking about the dates.


"I AIN'T GOING TO NO STUPID BALL! I HAVE A KID TO RAISE!" the angry hero yelled making Izuku chuckle.

"Come on Kacchan can't be that bad, it's part of our job" Izuku added.

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