Chapter 1

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Derek tried desperately to push down the bile that was forming in his gut as he stared into wide, whisky colored eyes. The eyes of his mate. He could feel the claws piercing the skin of his hand, his fist clenched.

"What?" Stiles asked. "What do you mean I'm not pack?"

"Exactly that." Derek gritted out, glancing over at the pale faces of the rest of the pack.

"But I..."  Stiles started before Erica cut him off.

"We don't need you Stiles. You're useless."

Stiles flinched, as the words hit like a physical blow. Erica's hands shook, as she stuck to the plan the pack had come up with. 

"You're just a weak human, you just drag us down." Stiles head snapped up at that, before turning his glare towards Derek.

"So what, I'm being kicked out because I am human?" He asked, before pointing his finger at Allison, who tried her best not to flinch back. "But Allison can stay, Right?"

"She's a hunter." Scott whispered out, biting his lip as Stiles whipped round to stare at him. "She can fight, you can't. All you do is put us in danger." He took a deep breath to steady himself, before forcing himself to meet Stiles gaze.

"And Lydia?" Stiles asked, his voice filled with pain and betrayal.

"She's a banshee Stiles, she's important." Derek bit out.

"You're supposed to me my friends." Stiles whispered out, glaring down at the floor and missing the way the pack flinched. Erica took a deep breath to steady herself before letting out a bitter laugh.

"Friends? we were never friends with you." She sneered and Stiles head snapped but to stare at her before turning back to Scott, his gaze pleading for him to tell her that she was wrong. Boyd placed a hand on Scott's shoulder, preventing him from doing anything other that sit there. Showing Stiles that they were all united in this decision.

"I can't believe this." Stiles whispered, hands furiously scrubbing his eyes, before swallowing tightly and nodding. "Fine."

"Fine?" Peter asked quietly from the back of the room. Derek winced when he looked at his haggard appearance, it was no secret that Stiles was Peter's favorite. The older wolf flinched as the teen's head snapped up and focused his full glare on him

"Yes, Fine." Stiles snapped back before rounding back on Derek who barely managed to keep himself from flinching backwards. "You want me out of you pack, fine. Believe it or not, I do actually know when I'm not welcome. But believe me, when you realize you made a mistake, and you and your fucking pack of mutts cant cope without me, don't even try to get me back, because I am done with the lot of you."

The pack watched in silence as he pulled on his hoodie and snatched up his bag, before turning to glare at them, no longer trying to hold the tears back. Stiles opened his mouth to say something before shaking his head with a bitter laugh, he stormed out the door."

"Oh god." Scott whimpered, tears streaming as he clutched Allison's hand tightly. "What have I done."

"We did what we had to." Derek responded. His heart hurt watching his mate leave, and seeing his pack all in tears. Peter's head was bowed, arms crossed tightly over his chest. Erica was crying into Boyd's chest, strong arm wrapped tightly around her as Boyd tried to anchor himself.

"That sucked." Jackson whispered as he pulled a trembling Lydia onto his lap. Isaac nodded in agreement, his legs pulled up, his face buried in his knees.

"What did you expect?" Cora demanded angrily from her place beside Peter."

"Cora, we agreed this was the best thing for Stiles. To protect him." Derek said, moving closer to his sister. Wincing as she let out a bitter laugh and backed away from him.

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