Chapter 4

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When they went downstairs, Stiles was mesmerized with all the beautiful people. They were all stunning. There was one girl with a brown pixie cut, and she sped so fast and barreled into him to hug him.

"Hi, I'm Alice. I'm so happy to finally meet you."

"Hi, I'm Stiles. Nice to meet you too."

"You and me are going to be best friends."

"Come on Alice, you already know he is, you have seen it remember." Jasper states.

"Wait, what do you mean, can you like see the future or something?."

"Yes, some of us have gifts. Jasper can control emotions, and Edward can read minds." Alice said.

Stiles looked at Edward. 'Is Jasper single', Stiles asked in his mind. Edward laughed.

"Yes Stiles." Edward answered out loud.

If he could, he would have blushed.

"So cool, will I have a gift?."

We don't know, sometimes it can take a while for gifts to happen, sometimes people don't have one, like myself, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett." Carlisle said.

Stiles was then introduced to the rest of them, Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Bella and Jacob.

When Stiles was introduced to Jacob, he took a whiff of him. "You're not a vampire, but you're something, you smell awful."

They all laughed, including Jacob himself.

"I'm a werewolf, or a shapeshifter."

Stiles just nodded, a little overwhelmed.

"I must say, Stiles, You are taking this extremely well, and you didn't seem shocked when Jacob said he was a werewolf." Carlisle stated.

"Oh yeah, well where I'm from, it's full of supernatural beings. I was in a pack, we had werewolves, a were-coyote, a banshee, a hybrid werewolf-kanima, a hunter and me, the human, although I did have magic. I was just starting to learn about my spark."

Carlisle looked intrigued. "What town are you from."

"Beacon Hills, in California." Stiles answered.

"You're the boy who runs with wolves?." Carlisle asked.

"Well I was, but not anymore." Stiles said."I was kicked out, that's why I came here."

"Why did they kick you out?." Carlisle asked.

Stiles explained to them everything that had happened with the pack and his father." "How did you know that I was the boy who ran with wolves?."

"Oh, I know someone in Beacon Hills and he talked about you, but never mentioned your name, so I didn't realize at first." Carlisle said. "He always spoke highly of his favourite human."


"Peter Hale."

"Of course, Peter." Stiles laughed.

"May I ask, but did Peter agree to this, to you being kicked out of the pack?." Carlisle asked.

"I honestly don't know, but my guess is, that he didn't. Me and Peter are good friends and really close, He wouldn't have wanted to do that to me, but he is already on the edge of the pack, and can't risk being kicked out himself. He would have followed orders from the alpha, or alphas in this case. He cant risk going omega again, not after what happened before."

"When he was crazy and and murdered everyone who killed his family?."

"He told you all that." Stiles asked shocked.

"Yeah, he also said that you helped in killing him."

"Urm, yeah, that was me, but when he came back, we became close. It was like death reset him."

"Yeah it did. He told me he never blamed you." Carlisle said.

"I know. We've discussed it. Anyways, how do you know Peter?."

"We go back years, we knew each other before the fire happened. We crossed paths and saved each others life, and we stayed in touch until the fire. After he resurrected himself he got in touch with me, told me what happened. Stiles, would you mind if I rang Peter and asked him to come here?."

"I don't mind, but don't tell him about me, please. I cant have anyone find out I'm alive."

"What makes you think that they think you are dead?." Esme asked.

"Well, Lydia is a banshee, and she would have screamed when I died. It's all part of her powers, being able to sense when someone is going to die."

They all nodded like they understood.

"Is she the one who Peter bit, then haunted her after he died, so she could bring him back to life?." Carlisle asked.


"I will call Peter now, and tell him I need a favor. I wont mention you."

"Thanks Carlisle, really, it means a lot. You have all been so nice to me and welcoming."

"Your apart of our family now Stiles."

Carlisle rang peter.

Peter: Hello

Carlisle: Hey Peter, It's Carlisle, are you alone?

Peter: Yes, do you need help with something?

Carlisle: Yes, if you don't mind, could you possibly come here, and I will explain everything then, I don't really want to say over the phone

Peter: I will be there in two days

Carlisle: Okay I will see you then

Carlisle: Oh and Peter, are you okay, you sound upset?

Peter: Yeah I will be, I lost someone dear to me, because my dear nephew thought he knew better, I will see you soon Carlisle

When he finished the call, he looked at Stiles. "Well he's definitely upset about you."

"I hope he doesn't freak out when he sees me."

"Are you hungry Stiles?." Jasper asked

"No not really, a little thirsty but I don't feel like I need to go and suck anyone's blood."

"You have amazing control for a new born." Jasper said.

"A new born?"

"Yeah, its what we call new vampires. Most new vampires cant control their thirst, and end up killing people."

"So, does that mean I'm special, could that be my gift, like super vampire control." Stiles laughed causing Jasper and Edward to laugh.

"Maybe, only time will tell." Jasper said.

Stiles looked at himself in the mirror. "Wow, I look so different."

"You look beautiful." Jasper stated, causing Stiles to blush. Even if his face was still pale, he knew he was blushing on the inside.

"How come my eyes are red, and yours are all golden?."

"All new born's have red eyes, as well as vampires who feed off of humans. Our eyes are golden because we feed off animals." Jasper said.

"So kind of like vegetarians?."

"Exactly like vegetarians." Edward said.

"I don't know how I feel about killing Thumper or Bambi, but I suppose its better than killing humans." Stiles stated.

"Thumper and Bambi, really?." Emmett said.

"What, I loved that film when I was growing up."

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