Chapter 6

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Peter was driving through Folks, when he was hit with Stiles scent. He could smell blood. He hit his foot on the brake, and stopped.

Peter got out of the car and followed the scent, until he reached the edge of the cliff and saw a hint of a blue jeep, crushed underneath a truck. He quickly made his way down. There was no sign of Stiles, but there was a lot of blood. Stiles blood. This must be where he died, and why Carlisle rang him. It can't be a coincidence that Carlisle asked him to come to the same town, that Stiles had died in. He could also smell another scent. It was a vampire.

When Peter arrived at the Cullen's, Carlisle stepped out to greet him.

"It's been a long time Peter."

"Yeah it has." Peter said. He could still smell Stiles, but it was different. It was still Stiles scent but it was sweeter, which only meant one thing. "Where is he? he is here isn't he, that's why you called me here?."

Carlisle stepped to one side, and Peter gasped in shock. Stiles was standing there, looking the same, but also different.

Peter couldn't help the tears that slid down his face. "Stiles."


Stiles had heard the car pull up, and he heard Peter ask 'where is he, he is here isn't here, that's why you called me here'

Carlisle moved and Stiles stepped out so Peter could see him.

Peter gasped, and Stiles could see the tears before he said 'Stiles'.

"Hey there zombie wolf." Stiles smiled, looking a little unsure, but he could feel Jasper behind him calming his emotions.

Peter started walking towards Stiles, until he was right in front of him. Peter reached out to touch Stiles face, and make sure he wasn't going to disappear. Peter heard someone growl behind Stiles. You would think they were werewolves not vampires.

"It's me." Stiles said, jumping into Peters arms. Peter was caught off guard, and nearly fell backwards with Stiles new strength.

"I can't believe it, we thought you were dead Stiles."

"Well, technically, I am." Stiles laughed.

"So you're a vampire now?."

"Yeah, I had an accident on my way into Folks, and my mate found me, and turned me before I died. He saved me."

"Your mate? but I thought......" Peter shut up before he finished that sentence.

"What, that I was Derek's mate?."

Peter looked shocked. "You knew?."

"Of course I knew, I knew he was waiting for me to turn 18 before he said anything, but he never did. Also, I was never entirely human, I was a spark, so I could feel the mate bond between us. But I could never be his mate, not after he kicked me out. A mate should be something precious, not something you throw away. Besides, the mate bond should have broken the minute I died. Now that I'm a vampire, I know that Jasper is my mate. He is my true mate."

Peter was gobsmacked. To find your True Mate is so rare. 

"Stiles, I didn't agree with Derek or Scott's decision, but what Derek did, he did it because he loves you, he thought he was protecting you. He thought he was doing the right thing."

"If he loved me, why....why did he do it?."

"The Alpha pack was coming. They wanted you. They knew you were a spark and the main Alpha, planned to claim you as his own, as his emissary and his mate. If we refused to hand you over, he would kill all of us, after he made us watch him killing you."

"I wouldn't have been much use to them anyway, Deaton told me I was a spark, but he also said that all I would be able to do is manipulate mountain ash, he even told me that anyone was able to do that."

"That's what Derek told the Alphas, but they said that Deaton was lying to you, that you would be a powerful mage one day. Stiles, when they want something, they wont stop until they get it. They have killed packs upon packs without hesitation. Derek couldn't let that happen."

It finally clicked with Stiles. "He made my own dad abandon me, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did. Both him and Scott told him you were in danger if you stayed in Beacon Hills."

"I can never forgive them for this." Stiles said.

"I know, but just so you know, me, Cora, Jackson and Lydia were dead against it. Isaac was too, but he was scared to say anything against the Alphas. Jackson was upset, he even begged to come with me. He doesn't want to stay in the pack anymore."

"Me and Jackson had started to become friends. I don't think Scott liked that. Since when were you and Jackson on friendly terms?."

"Jackson is my son."

"What, how did I not know this?."

"I only found out recently. Talia took the memory away from me. I found the original birth certificate, which had my name on."

"Wait, what do you mean, original birth certificate?"

"Talia forged a new one, erasing me from Jackson's Life. Deaton kept the original Copy, which I'm guessing my dear sister didn't know about."


"Before I found my mate, I was dating a girl called Stacey. Talia didn't like my relationship with her because she was human, and not my mate, and she made me break it off with her.  Eight months later, Stacey died. But I didn't know how or why, or that she had been pregnant with my child. She died in childbirth."

"But wasn't your wife human?."

"Yeah she was, but Talia was okay with it because she was my mate. I never understood my sister, or the way she did things. She wasn't overly impressed when my daughter was born and she was human. I didn't care, she was my daughter. I loved her more than anything."

Stiles was hugging Peter. "I'm sorry about them, I would have loved to have met them."

"My wife would have loved you." Peter smiled. "I feel like I have a second chance at being a dad. Me and Jackson have a lot to work through, but he called me dad. I told him that he could here once I was settled. Would that be okay?."

"Of course, but don't tell him about me, I don't want anyone finding out I'm here."

"Don't worry I won't, besides we need the Alpha pack to believe that you are in fact dead."

"How? I mean they will want proof won't they?"

"I have an idea." Carlisle said as he came back out. "Your jeep is still down by the cliff. Because of where it is, it hasn't been found yet, it's completely out of sight. All we need is a dead body to place inside, I can get a John Doe from the hospital and we can set it all on fire, make sure the body cant be recognized visually. Your blood is all over the jeep, so we have your DNA, so that should be enough proof that the body is you. We can send pictures and hospital reports to the hospital in Beacon Hills, confirming your death, and they will have to report it to the local sheriff station."

"Will that work?"

"Oh it will work. I am the Senior doctor at the hospital here, I can do the autopsy and sign the pathology reports, so I can forge some of the documents, no one will know."

"But what if someone from the pack, or the Alpha pack come here. The documents will state that I died in Folks, they may decide to come here and check It for themselves, especially my dad."

 We will keep an eye out, and we will get Jacob and he pack to keep watch too. We will send as much evidence as we possibly can."

"Okay, lets do it."

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