Thank you + Author's Note

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To my dear, wonderful, beautiful readers:

Thank you so much for reading Memories of the Beautiful Past! 

When I first started reading Who Made Me A Princess, one character caught my eye especially, and that character was Diana. She was so beautiful and her gentle smile warmed my heart in the few panels I saw of her. I must say that Spoon did an excellent job on drawing her! 

I really, really, REALLY wanted to see a backstory about how Athy's parents met. I envisioned it to be an awesome romance made with true love. I kept waiting and waiting, but there was NOTHING. 

So, I decided to write my own fanfiction. I never ever thought I would write a fanfiction because it was honestly not my kind of style, but I thoroughly enjoyed writing every sentence in Memories of the Beautiful Past. This experience was so fun and it made me want to become a better writer. 

I understand that my writing may be elementary in terms of technique, I'll try my best to improve!

Anyways, when I searched online about the backstory behind Claude and Diana, nothing really came up, until I found this one backstory that I didn't really enjoy. I decided to change up the story a bit in my fanfiction.

First, I didn't want Claude to be a bloodthirsty emperor tyrant. He just didn't seem like the type. I made him into a gentler person who truly cares about the people around him, until he was heartbroken and put the dark magic spell on himself. 

Second, I wanted Diana to come from a humble yet happy background. I wanted Diana to be the person who introduces Claude to a loving and happy family, aka her  family, since his childhood treated him terribly. As a result, I made up Diana's family where she had loving parents and siblings. I think the part where Diana introduces Claude to her family was the most touching part to him, as he realized how much he is loved and appreciated then. 

Regarding the way Diana calls Claude, I wanted her to sweetly call him "my majesty" like how she did in the manhwa, yet still have a familiar term to call him, which was just "Claude". In addition to that, they also called each other "my love" and such. 

In the beginning of my story, I usually tell the story from Diana's perspective. The reason behind this was because I wanted to give her more screen time (LOL). After her death, the story was told from Claude's perspective, even when he meets her again in his headspace. 

Now that I'm done rambling, I would like to thank YOU again! Seriously, thank you for giving my story a try! I even managed to reach 1k views before the time that I'm writing this author's note! This is really unbelievable. At the very most, I expected only 20 views ahahaha. 

To those who have stayed with me to the very end, thank you! My fanfiction didn't include lots of lovey dovey scenes because I believe that true love doesn't need to be conveyed in those cheesy scenes, for example, "Claude smirked at Diana as his soft lips pressed upon hers." No, none of that. All I wanted was true love, not cheesy affectionate scenes. To those who wanted them, I'm truly sorry. But still, thank you for reading! 

As for what I'm going to write moving on....

I have no idea. Maybe I'll work on my Kaeya x Jean fanfiction, or maybe I'll write another one about a couple I like but I don't get enough screen time. All I need is to have another ship that I like as much as this one. 

For now, farewell, my love. 


Memories of the Beautiful Past (STORY COMPLETED, NOW MAKING SIDE STORIES)Where stories live. Discover now