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Layla started chuckling slowly at first before it yaw to a full guffaw of pure disbelief. She grinned after laughing it off, raising a brow in you've got to be kidding me look as she surveyed him from head to toe thrice then another and another before she finally decided to stop when things started getting off the route. She is way too shocked at the sight of the person in front of her to let it show because why not?

She is seeing Zayd Ahmad Hakim Al-hafiz for the first time in eight or is it nine years?

"Well, well, well...look who we have here." She chortled again, started circling him slowly like a detective investigating a crime with a criminal in the questioning room.

Clearly, Zayd is also shocked to see her there and at the turns of event because he openly stared at her with emotionless face. Something the Zayd she's known before wouldn't have been able to pull off. Oh, that is why he thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants and get on with it right? Or is it because of the uniform he is now wearing? Or the way he walks with too much self confidence that she would love to tarnish had it not grew so much in him? This Zayd is different from the one she's browbeaten but that doesn't mean she won't enjoy flipping this one too, she loves the challenge after all.

Lana on the other hand stood still, examining both the adults in front of her because there is nothing that screams familiarity between them but the way their shoulders are tensed, something is definitely up with them. Who is this man that Layla is trying to pull down under her radar? It is not clicking anything in her head, it's so empty. They know each other and they aren't each other's aficionado, not that anyone is a fan of Layla but this one ran deeper than just one encounter and hatred at first sight. There is more she wants to find out.

"Why were you running above the speed, Ma'am?" Zayd cleared his throat, stood straighter and adjusted his shoulders to square them out in an intimidating gesture but he should've known, Layla won't be intimidated even with a gun right across her forehead.

She raised a mocking brow, chuckled again as if this is some sort of twisted joke she is not getting. She won't let this slide now. She won't act like she doesn't know him when she damn right does, not when she is seeking for revenge for what he has done to her. A part of her had tried consoling her that it was all his mother's work and she should forget about everything since things are working out good for her now but Layla Abd Al-Tunaij is never one to forgive a modicum crime and to her, Zayd did what he did intentionally to start getting back at her.

And that will be the worst mistake of his entire life, she'd vowed the day she found out he got her thrown out from the garage leaving his name behind.

"Oh, my God! You should totally thank God for growth because what the fuck?" Layla exaggerated as she continued to circle him with slow tentative steps making sure to not miss a thing from his head to his toes that are hidden behind huge onyx boots.

Lana continue to gawk at Layla with eyes filled to the brim with questions then Layla regarded her with a roll of her eyes. "You don't know who this person is? That is why I'm asking him to thank God for fucking growth because I was afraid to meet that bony guy from high school, I'd run away instead of avenging all the wrongs he's done. But with this new look and upgrade, I am surely going to enjoy plucking him off one after the other."

Frustrated, Lana opened her mouth and whisper yelled. "Who is he and what the hell are you talking about?" She shoot  Zayd an apologetic smile, as if apologizing for Layla's wrongdoings.

"Well, he is none other than that meek guy from high school who happens to be Teems cousin brother. Remember now or should I go on?" Even though Lana's eyes widened in understanding and recognition, Layla went on. "That same guy that cried over a desk. That same one that apologized profusely to a bully in high school because he couldn't stand up for himself. Yep, that one that cried over a small prank played to him by his friends. Yeah, that Zayd Ahmad Hakim Al-Hafiz!"

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