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"So Bill, what did you think about the kid? Andrew?" One scout said to the other, as he looked at him with a bit of a smile on his face. He felt like just like every year it was, it was going to be a competition to try to get the best players from Chicago, which was always between Loyala and DePaul.
This kid had a lot of talent, and they both knew that the kid was going to be a 5 star by the end of the year. The both of them felt like they would in fact love to get the kid, all at the exact same time too, but if they were going to be for real with them selves, they did not think they stood much of a chance.
The other scouts blinked his eyes a few times, as he then all of the sudden did in fact begin to start to look over to his friend, all at the exact same time too, as he knew this was how it was that it was like every year. He knew that he would get an amazing pay raise if he could bring in a kind like that. How ever, he knew that DePaul did not stand a single chance at getting a kid like that.
He knew that kids were not home grown athletes any more, as those days were back in the 20th century. Now it was completely different, and he felt like his eyes had been on the other side of the court.
The other team at that, all at the exact same time too, as the game was already over, and the fans, and the other scouts were in fact packing up their things, and were in fact beginning to start to walk out of the stadium all of the sudden, all at the exact same time as well, none the less.
Bill kind of looked away from the Andrew kid, all at once, as he then did in fact begin to start to look at his long time friend, all at the exact same time too. He then all of the sudden did in fact begin to start to shake his head a little bit over towards him. He was not even going to try to get that kid to go to DePaul, as he had already looked at the kids target schools before all of this game had even started.
If he was not going to lie to him self, his eyes were on the kid on the other team. The short kid, as he seemed to be a bit of a Muggsy Bogues type player, all at the exact same time as well. He was a little bit of some John Stockton in him, on the offensive side of the ball, all at the exact same time too.
It was clear that the kid was a freshman, as he could not see any tapes, or any names of him any where, all at the exact same time too. The hope was that the kid was to grow, and if it was that he had spoke the kid while he was still young, he felt like he could get taller and better over time, and he might want to go to DePaul, all at the exact same time too.
Bill let out quite a bit of a heavy sigh to him self, all at once, as in the end, he then did in fact begin to start to all of the sudden begin to shake his head a little bit to him self. He did his best to try to keep him self as calm as he felt he could, all at once, as in the end, he then did in fact begin to start to speak back to his friend, as his friend did in fact begin to start to listen as to just what it was that he even had to say to him in the very first place any ways, all at the exact same time too.
"No... That kid wants to go to Duke... My eyes are on the small kid... On the other team... Oliver..." Bill said back to his friend, all at the exact same time as well, as he was simply waiting til the kid went back to his tunnel, so that he could go and speak to him, all at the exact same time too. He saw a ton of potential, and a lot of flash from the kid, even if his team had not shared the same energy.
Bill seemed to look over at the kid for quite a bit of some time, as he had his eyes squinted at him, all at the exact same time too. He did not know any thing about the kid what so ever, but he felt like it would be his chance to do some research in to him, once it was that he did in fact manage to catch his full name. As well as the fact that he spoke to the coach, all at the exact same time too.
This was what it was that Bill had felt like he had his hopes up for. He knew that it would be a while, but it was a lot better than having hopes up for a kid like Andrew, all at the exact same time too, none the less. Bill kind of let out a little bit of a soft sigh to him self, all at the exact same time too.
In the end, Bills friend, Oliver, all at the exact same time too, then did in fact go right on ahead, and he then did in fact begin to start to laugh at Bill. Bill was in fact a little bit lost as to just what it was that Oliver did in fact seem to find so funny right now, all at the exact same time too.
Bill then all of the sudden did in fact begin to start to tilt his head a little bit over towards his friend, all at the exact same time too. He then began to start to squint his eyes over towards Oliver all of the sudden. It did not bother Oliver what so ever how ever.
Oliver knew that he was always the joking one, whilst his friend was more serious. Oliver clearly was not taking what it was that his friend had in fact just said, all at the exact same time as well, all too seriously what so ever, all at the exact same time too. Oliver just kind of rolled his eyes a little bit over to Bill, all at once.
Oliver seemed to stare right back at his friend, right in to his eyes, for a bit of some time. In the end how ever, he then did in fact begin to start to go on ahead, and he then did in fact begin to start to speak to him. As much as it was that Bill did not want to, he felt like he did not have much of any other choice, but to go on ahead and listen as to just what it was that his friend even had to say to him in the very first place any ways, all at the exact same time too, none the less.
"Are you kidding me? The midget? Did you not watch the same game that I watched? Cougars 130, Tigers 26! That's 104 points!

For The Love Of The Game (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें