Chapter Seventeen: Sentimental Shh

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Candice has been wearing hoodies and sweaters lately. Now that I think about it she's been wearing tops with long sleeves. The other day we had an argument because she complained about being hot, but she refused to take off her hoodie. She's been coming later to school and she looks morbid. I'm sort of worried about her, but she went back to her bitch ways. She changed me so much in the past few years. I sat in class staring at the clock. The door opened at the last five minutes of class revealing Candice. I glanced at her, but she mugged me. The bell rung less than a minute later. I went to my locker and headed to pickup Kiya from school. Kiya fell asleep on the ride home, so I carried her inside. I placed her in her bed and went to the bathroom. I showered for a good thirty minutes before getting out on putting on joggers and a v-neck. I went to check on Kiya then I went and flopped on the bed. As soon I laid down someone knocked on the door. I opened the door revealing Candice crying.

"Carlos, I don't wanna fight, I just want you to hold me."

I nodded and pulled her in my arms. Her tears filled the shirt I had just put on. I picked her up bridal style and carried her in the living room. When I sat on the couch she hugged me tighter.

"Candice, what's wrong baby?!"

She never looked at me or looked me in the eyes. I kissed her forehead encouraging her to talk to me.

"My mom was killed Carlos. They left her body in front of our apartment. I can't stay there Carlos there's too many memories."

"Did you find her body?"

She grasped me tighter and nodded Yes.

"You're always welcome to stay with me."

She looked up at me. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She pulled my face to hers and pecked my lips.

"Don't ever leave me again Carlos."

"Baby, I never left. You shut me out."

"You and Cory both dumped me the same night."

"You would be hurt too if the person you love called you their exes name. You would be hurt too if someone repeatedly stood you up when they needed you."

"I love you Carlos."

"I think we need to just be friends for a while."


"What do you mean no?!"

"We can't be friends. I missed your hugs and kisses. I miss the sex and dirty texts. I miss all the coupley things we did. You can't do that with friends."

"This is the last time we're getting back together because I'm getting annoyed by breakups and makeups."

"The breakups and makeups are what make us the power couple we are."

I smiled and leaned in to kiss her but we got interrupted.

"Uncle Carlos?"

I looked over at Kiya standing by the other couch.

"What babydoll?!"

"I need food man."

Candice and I burst out laughing. Kiya is the most adorable toddler in the world nobody beats her. She left out and came back with my shoes, wallet, and keys. She pushed Candice off me and pulled me off the couch.

"Shoes on now."

I smiled at her and put my shoes on, I guess we're going out to eat. She handed me my wallet and keys. She reached out for me to pick her up. Once I picked her up she kissed my cheek. I grabbed Candice's hand and walked out the door. I locked up the house and headed to the car. Once babydoll was strapped in I drove to Logan's. Kiya kept eating all the bread before her food came. I smiled at Candice and Kiya laughing and playing. This feels like family time. I want kids with Candice. I want a family with her I wanna marry her. I live and breath this girl. She holds the key to my heart. Everything about her is fucking perfect from her head to her chubby toes. I pulled her face to mine and kissed her.

"Eww, Kiya's here."

She covered her eyes and we laughed at her goofy ass.

"Shut up Kiya."

We left the restaurant two hours ago. Candice and I were lying in my bed talking and cuddling while Kiya was in the living room watching TV. I looked at Candice and smiled.

"Babe I want you to have my kids after we graduate."

"No Carlos, I'm not having kids with you."

"With me?! You don't think we'll last?"

"Babe, it's not th--- "

"No, that's not it. You just don't want kids with me? You don't think I'll make a good dad?"

"Carlos, just listen to me. I don't want kids at all when I graduate."

"Then I'll find someone who does."

"Stop being stubborn and fucking listen. I already have kids, I have to take care of my twin nieces remember?"

"And I have to take care of Kiya, but I still want a kid or two of my own with you. If we don't have a future together, tell me now."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Who knows if I'll be here tomorrow? I'm stressed out, and I'm hurting mentally and emotionally."

"Candice I'll always be here, whatever you're going through, I'll go through it with you. Let me ease your pain. I love you with every piece of me and I don't care if you don't feel the same way back. You don't have to be sure about us having a future together because I know we'll be together until the end. I love you Candice Jonnay Woods-Reynolds."

"I love you too babe."

I stared at her and pulled her hoodie over her head. My heartbeat sped up as her skin brushed mine. She took off my shirt and ran her hand up and down my torso. I kissed from behind her ear all the way down her neck and back up to her lips. I pinned her hands above her head and kissed down to her boobs. I left a nice sized hickey on each one. She stared at me like something was on her mind.


"Let me try something. Lie down."

I did as she said and laid down. She pulled out my junior and opened her mouth.

"Babe you don't have to do that."

"I know. Just guide me I never did it before."

I nodded as she took all me in her mouth. She was pretty amazing for a first timer. She knew what she was doing, but I won't question it. I pulled her to me and kissed her. Normally I wouldn't kiss after head, but I matured a little so now I'm like it's my dick why not. To make a long story short, I made slow sweet love to Candice. She laid on my chest tracing my abs. I wrapped my arms around her warm naked body and kissed her forehead. Shortly I heard soft snores filling the room. I looked down and saw Candice asleep. I kissed her cheeks and fell asleep less than ten minutes later. I dreamed about mine and Candice's future together. I love Candice, she's my girl, and I don't mind pleasuring her. She makes my heart race and my skin tingle. Yeah sound like a chick...I don't care, I'm in love with Candice.

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