Chapter Three: Rudeness

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(a/n: Picture of Ezra at the beginning.)

Candice's POV

I walked in school the next day and saw Carlos at his locker. I smiled at him, but he slammed his locker and walked off. What the hell? I shook off what just happened and walked to class, which I sadly had with him. When I walked into the classroom, Carlos was sitting in my seat laughing with Roman about something. I walked over and tapped Carlos on the shoulder.

"Get out my seat now."

"I swear females today are rude as hell."

"If I'm rude to you it's because of you."

"But it's your fault. Roman I'll holler at you later, so rudeness can have her seat."

He stood up and dapped Roman. I turned to him and gave a fake smile.

"My name is Candice."

"I don't give a fuck, ain't that what you told me yesterday."

"Bitch don't be rude."

"It's not so fun when someone is rude back to you huh princess?! And calm down with the bitch calling."

Roman snickered at Carlos's princess remark due to the fact Rome calls me princess all the time because he says I act like a stuck up little bitch. Princess my ass.

"And if I don't?"

He sighed and walked to his seat. I smirked and rolled my eyes at he sat down.

"That's what the fuck I thought, you a bitch nigga Carlos."

"Oh okay, that's your opinion. Someone don't think what you think, and your opinion doesn't matter."

"That's nice."

He took out his phone to ignore me. Bitch. Tammy walked in and greeted the class. She looked at me then began teaching. I can't believe I actually decided to take notes today. She said a few things that I would normally taunt her about, but I didn't feel like it today.

"Candice, no smart remarks today?"

"As a matter of fact Tammy, I have plenty, but I'm just not in the mood."

She nodded and shrugged. I was relieved when the bell rung dismissing class, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I grabbed my belongings and rushed out of the classroom. As I stepped into the hallway I was met by Ezra, he grabbed my books and pecked my lips. Carlos bumped my shoulder.

"Watch it you fucking asshole."

"Asshole? I like that better than bitch."


"And we're back to that."

He kept walking down the hall leaving me standing there with Ezra. Dumb ass Carlos just put me in a pissy mood. Ezra leaned in to kiss me again, but I turned my head.

"Candi, what's up?"

"Nothing Ez."

"Do you like him?"

"He's cute and all, but he's not you."

"So I'm ugly? Some girlfriend you are."

"The hell you mean by that, I didn't mean it in that way Ezra. Fuck you."

"Babe I---"

"No Ezra."

I pushed him away and started walking off. He stopped me by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to him. As he rested his chin on my shoulder he whispered, "Candice baby I'm sorry. I was just playing with you...Forgive me?" He kissed my neck sending chills down my spine. I turned around in his arms and pecked his lips. He stared in my eyes and smiled.

"Can I come over after practice?"

"My mom will be there."

"Won't be the first time we did it while she was there."

"That time she came home early. She knows about that too."

"Oh God, Ezra what did she say?"

"She bought me some condoms and said, "I hope Candice is on birth control because I'm too young for grandkids." Then she made me wash my sheets three times to get the evil out of em. I don't know what that means, it's some Creole shit."

I laughed at him and started pulling away from his grasp.

"Where are you going?"

"Class, the late bell rings in two minutes."

-Two Weeks Later-

I think Carlos has been avoiding me...scratch that, I know he has. I actually thought we could be friends, maybe he changed his mind. Oh well. Sadly, I have three classes with him, and I'm in one now. Ms. Jergon (pronounced: Yer-gen) wrote a prompt on the board reading:

Observe your classmates. Write a quote, saying, song lyrics, anything that comes to mind when you see them. Next, explain the meaning behind what you chose. Finally, list the classmate(s) it's about.

Time Limit: 30 Minutes

I glanced around the classroom and observed, I noticed Alexis texting away on her phone. I noticed Tatiyana redoing her makeup. I noticed Zaria and Nathan touching each other under the desks, Zaria bit her lip as Nathan's eyes rolled back slowly...Gross. Finally, I noticed Maria writing and then Carlos reaching over and tapping her shoulder.

"Maria, do you have an extra pen/pencil?" He asked.

She shook her head no, and replied, "No, I got this from Candice. Ask her she has plenty."

He looked at me and scoffed before saying nevermind. Bitch nigga! I rolled my eyes and began to write. Shortly, Ms. Jergens called time and started calling people to read. First, she called Maria. Maria stood and and read her paper "Perfection isn't everything. I chose this quote because one of my classmates feel the need to be perfect, she binges and cakes on make up. I just want to let you know you're beautiful the way you are."

Next she called on me. I stood and began to read, "A bitch nigga that's that shit I don't like..." The class burst out laughing and someone said "bang bang" causing an uproar of laughter. "One day you're begging me to get know each other and be friends, the next you're avoiding me and giving me the cold shoulder. The person I'm talking about is Carlos." I finished making eye contact with him. His face read hurt and anger. He balled up his paper and stormed out. Ms. J picked up his paper and made me go apologize to him. I walked in the hall to see him sitting on the floor.

"Carlos, I'm sorry."

"No, fuck your apology. The reason I stopped talking to you is because you tried to hoe me. I hate looking stupid. You got a nigga and we was flirting, but you didn't tell me you got a nigga. I'm not trying to have no drama over no bitch, that's some hoe shit."

I slapped him and stormed off. I am nowhere near a bitch, what the fuck he think this is.

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