Chapter Six: Locked Up.

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(a/n: "School-to-prison pipeline" is a phrase used by education reform activists and organizations such as the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), the Justice Policy Center, Advancement Project, and the NYCLU (New York Civil Liberties Union) to describe what they view as a widespread pattern in the US of pushing students to graduate, especially those who are already at a disadvantage, out of school and in the American Criminal Justice System. The school-to-prison pipeline is understood to operate at all levels of the US government (federal, state, county, city, and school district), both direct and indirect. The school-to-prison pipeline gives incarcerated teens a second chance at education. )

Carlos's POV

I've been in prison going on six months, I'm tired of seeing orange, and I'm tired of sitting in between four walls. I was lucky enough to get a cell to myself. I finally saw my brother a month ago when he got out of solitary confinement. He wasn't to pleased I was in here and we got in an argument, but we're straight now. I call Candice once a month to check on things at my house, and I get to know her a little better. I'm feeling her a little even though she is the reason I'm locked up now. Her and her mom have been getting into a lot of fights lately, so she stays in my house on some nights, I don't mind as long as she doesn't have people in my house, and she says she doesn't. She's supposed to be with this dude Peyton, if you asked me about him I'd say he was a bitch nigga just based off his name, but that's the jealousy speaking I guess. I know y'all like tell her you like her and all that other stuff, I want to, but naw I can' female want a nigga with all the baggage I got, and I doubt she'd be with him and she the reason he's locked up. Speaking of Candice, I've been trying to reach her for two weeks, but I got no answer.

I stood in the communal showers, it was about five of us in there. I had just grabbed the soap when this BIG ass black as fuck dude came up and slapped it out of my hands.

"Pick it up pretty boy."

"Hell naw, fuck that. I ain't with that gay shit."

"Looks like we gotta do this the hard way." He said as he stepped closer. I was scared as fuck no lie, but I had to stand my ground.

"If you fucking touch me bruh---"

"Everything good in here?" One of the male guards asked as he walked in. We all called out yeah. The BIG black ass dude mumbled "next time" and left. Next time my ass, ain't no DAMN next time. Wherever I go Nico going no lie I'm scared of that gay shit for real.

The guard came back and said I had a visitor. The hell who came to visit me?! I got dressed and the guard cuffed me then escorted me to the visiting area. I saw Candice and I smiled, but I couldn't help but wonder why she was here. The guard uncuffed me and I walked over to Candice we sat down. She gave a small smile.

"Why are you here?"

"Since it's my fault you're in here I talked to a few people and pulled some strings. You can do school while you're in here, there's this school-to-prison thing for incarcerated teens. I also talked to your PO and lawyer, and I told them the truth and they said they would try to get your sentence shortened from 3-5 to 2 or less. I'm sorry for lying."

"Thank you and I forgave you a while ago. I was probably gon get time anyways."

"How are they treating you in here?"

"Good except today some dude knocked the soap out my hand in the showers and told me to pick it up."

"Eww, Maybe you won't see him again after today."

"How's you and your boyfriend?"

"Do you really care?"

"Yeah, I do."

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