Chapter Nineteen: Welcome to Hawaii

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The man a little over six feet that I thought I'd never see again stood at the entrance of the airport looking for his little girl. He made eye contact with me and smiled as I ran to him and jumped into his arms. Tears of joy fled from my eyes as did his. I took a step back to take in his appearance. I took a moment to look down and wondered where the twins were.

"Where are the twins?"

"The nanny is watching them. Who's your friend?"

"Daddy, this is my boyfriend... Carlos."

He stumbled and held his chest.

"Oh God."

"Daddy what's wrong?"

"Where has the time gone, you've grown up so much."

I smiled as my daddy grabbed my bag. I took Kiya from Carlos and pecked his lips.

"Oh goodness. Candice you're hurting me."

I laughed at my daddy. Kiya slid her thumb in her mouth resting her head on my shoulder. We walked into the parking lot and followed my dad to a charcoal gray phantom ghost. We loaded up the car and rode about forty-five minutes to his house. The house sat on the beach and was beautiful. For daddy to be loaded the way he is he settled for an average one story house. We walked in and daddy showed us to our rooms. Of course him being a dad he separated Carlos and I. I gave baby doll a bath a got her dressed. I brushed her hair into a messy bun and set her free to run wild, but she just climbed in the bed and laid down. I went and took a thirty minute shower. Once I got out I slipped on some Pink sweatpants and a tank top. I brushed my hair into a high ponytail and brushed my teeth. When I walked out the bathroom I noticed Kiya sound asleep. I walked to the left side of the house by the kitchen to Carlos's room. The door was cracked, so I walked in. I heard the shower running, so I flopped on the bed. The bed is soft and started encasing my body. I closed my eyes to rest them, but ended up falling asleep. I was awakened when Carlos pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me. The smell of his cologne was mesmerizing or was that his deodorant, I don't know but the smell was addicting. I opened my eyes and saw him smiling down at me. I wrinkled my forehead and he kissed it.

"This is going to be weird, I can't wake up in the same bed as you."

"I know, but we have to respect your dad's house. I want him to like me."

"He will, it's just been a while since I saw him, so he's readjusting to me."

"I love you Candice. I love you so much. I'll always love you."

He started tearing up. I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his face in the crook of my neck. He sobbed aloud wetting up my shoulder.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"I'm scared I'll mess up with your dad and lose you. I don't want to lose you. I need you. Promise you won't leave me no matter how frustrated you get."

"I won't leave you. I promise. I love you Carlos."

I pecked his lips, and he pecked mine back deepening the kiss. Someone cleared their throat making us pull away. We turned to see my dad standing there. He signaled for me to leave, and as I walked down the hall I heard my dad say, "Carlos WE need to talk." I headed to my room and saw one of my nieces standing in the hall and the other one followed closely behind. The rubbed their eyes as if they had just woken up. They both stared at me and reached for me to pick them up. I scooped them up one at a time. The one with the curly hair spoke.

"Where's Popui?"

"He's doing something." I said walking into my room to Babydoll had woken up also. I sat them on the bed and sat next to them.

"Kalyn. Jaden. I'm your auntie Candice."

"We know. I'm Kalyn, that's Jaden." She said pointing to the one that spoke earlier. I smiled at them then broke out in tears. They look so much like Dante. I miss him. All three girls hugged me and wiped my tears. I smiled at them and hugged them.

"Why are you three up anyways?"

They shrugged and cuddled around me.

"Can you straighten my hair tomorrow like Kalyn's?"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around the three. All four of us fell asleep that way.

(Jaden on left, Kalyn on right)

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