Chapter Nine: Betrayal

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Candice's POV

I walked down the hall, on my way to meet Cory in the lunchroom. I walked in and scanned the lunchroom for him. I didn't see him, so I sat at an empty table and waited. I was texting him asking him where he was when Carlos walked over.

"Yo boy left."

I nodded and stood up to leave, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Candice don't be like this."

"Why not? As I recall you said "I'm tired of this shit. You keep leading me on, one minute you're all up on me and I feel like you like me, and the next minute it's I can't or we're arguing over something stupid. I done with it for real." how do you think I feel? Leave me alone dude. We can't get together unless you cool with an open relationship. Your words right?"

"I'm sorry for that, but I've changed. I'm ready to commit, I wanna be with you."

Carlos's POV

I saw white boy walk in about five minutes ago. He stared at Candice and I contently. He sent a glare my way, so I leaned down and kissed Candice. She didn't kiss back. That hurt my ego, but I got the satisfaction of making white boy mad. He clenched his fist and stormed out the lunchroom. Candice pushed me back and punched me in the nose before stomping off. I touched my nose and saw blood on my hand. Everybody in the lunchroom had stopped what they were doing to see what happened. I walked out the lunchroom and to the nurse.

Candice's POV

I was pissed. I walked outside to the courtyard to clear my head. There was only one other person out there, Cory. I walked over to him. He sat on the ground with his knees pulled to his chest. He had his head down. I heard a sniffle and my heart dropped. He's crying.


He lifted his head and wiped his face.

"If you wanna be with him, just let me know. I don't wanna be sitting around looking stupid. I saw y'all kiss."

"He kissed me. I punched him in the nose. Cory Elliott Hester I like you a lot. You're cute, funny, sweet, and fun to be around."

I rested my head on his shoulder, and he ran his fingers through my hair. He kissed my forehead and sighed. I looked up at him with concern.

"What's wrong Cory?!"

"Just stress. I'm good, you wanna skip the rest of the day?"

"Where are we gonna go?"

"My house."

"What are we going to do?"

"Whatever you want."

I smiled at him. He stood up and helped me up. I kissed the corner of his mouth. He grabbed my hand and we walked to my car. I threw him the keys and got in the passenger seat. He drove to Dairy Queen.

"Do you want something? I'll pay."

"I have money."

"My dad told me never let the women pay, so I don't mind."

I smiled, leaned over, and kissed him. He leaned over and pecked my lips. We got out the car and went inside. He got the chili these dog lunch and I got the Bacon cheeseburger lunch. Shortly we got our food and sat in a booth. I dipped my fries in my ice cream. We sat, eating, and talking until a pretty white girl walked over.



"Hey, long time no see."

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