Chapter Twenty: Where's Carlos?

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I woke up the next morning to the three girls staring at Teen Titans on TV. I went down to Carlos's room and found he wasn't there and the bed was made up. I checked the whole house and he was nowhere to be found, so I called his phone. I got no answer. I walked back to the room with the girls and they were playing with dolls. I got them clothes out and put each one of them in the tub. Once they were dressed I did their hair. I got in the shower and got dressed. I did my hair and found the girls in the kitchen eating poptarts. I tried Carlos again as they ate, but got no answer. I looked at the girls.

"Did Carlos come in the room this morning?"

"Yeah, he kissed you and put something under your pillow."

The twins said at the same time. Kiya looked at them weird and shrugged. I went upstairs and looked under my pillow. I found an envelope filled with money and a letter. I sat the money aside and read the letter.

Babe, don't be worried. I'm out doing something, I'll see you later beautiful. Here's five grand, take the girls out to have fun. Your dad is at work he gets off at eight. I should be back before then. Love you.

P.S. I gave you a kiss before I left.

I grabbed the money and put it in my purse. I walked in the kitchen where the girls were now eating cereal. I forgot to feed them at least they have good sense.

"What do y'all want to do today pick anything?"

Their eyes lit up and they smiled.

"The mall."

"The movies."

"The beach."

"We'll do all three. First, we'll go to the mall then, we'll go to the movies, and finish off at the beach."

They screamed and rushed to finish eating. Kalyn handed me a set of keys. I looked at her confused.

"Popui said you can drive the Bens."

I nodded and took them from her. They finished eating and put their dishes in the sink. We went out to the car and I made sure they buckled in. I connected my phone to the aux and turned to the girls.

"What song?'

"Something fun."

I played On My Mind by Ellie Goulding. They immediately got hype and sung the song word for word. We got to the mall and went into Osh Kosh. I let the girls pick out a few outfits and got them in their sizes. I paid and we went to Ralph Lauren. They picked out some things and we left. We went to Footlocker and I let them each choose three pair of shoes. By the time we finished shopping it was two o'clock. I checked my phone to see if I had a call or text from Carlos, but I didn't. I called and he answered.

"Where are you?"

"I'm out, I wrote you a letter."

"I got it."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I wanna see your face."

"You will later. I love you."

"Yeah, I know."

"Say it back."

"I ---"

"Carlos you look so sexy."

"Who the fuck is that? Where are you?"

"Babe, I gotta go."

He hung up in my face. I sent him a not so nice text with quite a few curse words, and he replied saying, "See there you go being insecure and assuming shit." I locked my phone and walked to the food court with the girls. We stood in line at a Chinese restaurant. My phone lit up with another message from Carlos.

From Love of My Life:

Candice stop overreacting. Put me back in your bio on IG and change your relationship status back to in a relationship on Facebook. We're not breaking up over no BS.

I looked at the phone confused and replied back telling him I didn't change it. He sent me screenshots and I tried logging in, but I couldn't. Somebody hacked me. The girls and I ordered and sat down to eat.

"How do y'all feel about coming to live with me next year?"

"I'll miss Popui, but I'm happy."

"Fine with me."

"Tell me things I need to know about you two."

"Me first. My middle name is Analyse. I'm the oldest. I'm allergic to pineapples, peanuts, and onions. I don't like to wear dresses and skirts."

"My middle name is Zakiya. I'm only allergic to bananas."

I nodded. I smiled at them as they stuffed their faces.

"What's your favorite color?"


They laughed as they spoke simultaneously.

"Kiya likes purple."

I laughed at her cuteness. After we finished eating we loaded up the car and headed to the movies. We went inside the theater and stood deciding on what to watch. The girls finally settled for Inside Out. I paid for the tickets and got them each some popcorn and candy. We went in the theater that the ticket read to go in. We sat in the middle section and waited for the movie to begin. The girls engaged in a playful conversation while I continued to try to figure out who hacked me.

From Love of My Life:

Why you deleted our pictures off of IG? You really gon breakup with me over this. You wanna know where I'm at? I'm out doing something for your ungrateful ass. You don't care about nobody but yourself.

To Love of My Life:

I didn't do anything. It's not me. Somebody hacked me. But whatever don't believe me. Don't reply to my ungrateful ass, since I'm so fucking selfish.

I turned off my phone and watched the movie with the girls. After the movie the girls asked if we could go to the beach tomorrow because they were tired. We went to the house and as soon as we walked in the girls collapsed on the couch. I walked to my room and soon regretted it.

"Babe I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"Who was the girl?"

"I was at the barber shop getting a hair cut. I swear. I didn't cheat on you. I love you too much to lose you this way. You're my everything without you I'm nothing. You hold the key to my heart. I don't want to be without you. I need you. I gave you my heart and you held onto it. You're my better half and I can't think of a better way to make us more official than this."

Tears ran down his face as he got on one knee.

"I don't like traditional, pick a special place blah blah. I asked for your dads blessing last night when we had our talk and I asked the girls this morning. I'm completely in love with you and everything you do. I want you and all of you forever and always. Be my wife please."

He pulled out a beautiful ring that glistened in the light. I smiled and nodded getting on my knees next to him. I wiped his tears and kissed him passionately. He pulled me into his arms and slid the ring on my finger. I am truly and deeply in love with Carlos Reynolds. My dad walked in and smiled.

"I thought you didn't get off until eight?"

"No I've been home all day, I recorded the whole thing."

I got up and hugged my dad.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too Princess and I am sorry about everything. I'm not going to leave you again I'll always be here."

I hugged him tighter and smiled. Carlos scooped me up and kissed me deeply.

"I love you beautiful."

"I love you too babe."

"I don't want anymore grandkids for another five years at least."

We all laughed. This is my forever. This is where I belong. And to think this all started with a little TENSION.


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