Chapter Ten: My White Boy

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I stared at him and sighed, and started to put the gun down. I saw Roman move, so I raised the gun again.

"I always told you if my own betrays me, I would kill them no matter the consequences."

"Candice let me tell you what happened."

"Two minutes."

"Dante was about to go away for a long time for a murder he didn't commit. He called me and told me to come to the trap. When I got to the trap he was already dead. He committed suicide. In his suicide note he wrote he was killing to birds with one stone. It wasn't just one note, he wrote several notes to me, you, and your mom. He told me to give you your note when you found out what happened."

Roman handed me an envelope with my name on it. I gave the gun to Carlos and sat on the ground reading the letter.


I'm sorry to put you through so much pain. I just couldn't take it no more. There's quite a few things I want you to know. I had been going to court for two years for a murder I didn't even commit. They tried to give me life in prison. Next, I wanna tell you dad's in Hawaii. He tried to contact us plenty of times, but mom never told us. She wanted us to be miserable just like her. I was in contact with him. Finally, I have two daughters. They're twins, Kalyn and Jaden. Their mom left after they we're born, they're in Hawaii with dad. I want you to get custody of them when you graduate, they should be about five then. I need you to be there for them, don't let them call no other dude dad. Kalyn's a girly-girl and Jaden is a tomboy. I don't want mom to meet them. She has a lot of secrets that will come back to bite you and her both in the ass. Get out while you can, don't question it. I know you wanna go to UCLA, so I bought a house about forty-five minutes away from the campus.(2345 Lava Lane (a/n: fake address)) The passcode to get in the house is the twins birthday, change it to something that y'all will remember. You know the code to the safe. Go visit dad and the twins ASAP. Don't be mad at Rome he only did what I told him. Get the letter for mom from Rome, give it to her the day you move out. I love you sis. Stop crying, I'm always watching y'all even when you think I'm not. I'm always there. I miss you, and I'm sorry again.


I cried and cried, then walked over to Rome and hugged him. He held me tight.

"I'm sorry Candi."

"I'm sorry Rome."

We just stood there hugging. I wiped my tears and walked over to Carlos. I hugged him.

"I'm sorry."

"No Candice I'm sorry, and I mean what I said."

I kissed his cheek.

"That's enough hugging my sister."

"Rome, when were you going to tell me Carlos was your cousin."

"Never, we don't claim each other."


"I don't wanna say."

"Whatever, I'm hungry."

I started walking off, but Carlos called my name. I turned around and he kissed me. I kissed back for a brief second, but pulled back.

"Keep your lips off my best friend. She's with white boy."

He bit his lip and put his head down.

"Tell white boy he got the starting pitcher position."

"Did you make the team?"

"Yeah, but I'm thinking about quitting."

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