Chapter Twenty-One

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It had been a couple of weeks since I started self-defence lessons with Alfred and I could confidently say that I felt amazing. I felt stronger and self-assured that I could at least handle myself a little better if I ever needed to defend myself. Luckily, Bruce hadn't found out. The only down side, he hasn't been around much. Despite still having separate rooms, we still slept beside each other each night and things seemed to be going steady. The past week however, we hadn't talked much and he was spending a lot of time in the bat cave. I knew he was getting frustrated because he wasn't getting any leads on Mr Nashton, but as of now, we didn't have anything to worry about. The police still hadn't found anything and I hadn't heard anything, nor had I been a target. Bruce didn't want to let his guard down though and he was throwing himself more into his work which was making me concerned. We had agreed to try and make this work, but we couldn't do that if all of his attention was on anything but work.

With the free time I was throwing myself into my own work. With my apartment sold, and none of my family around to bother me, I was able to spend more time at the children's hospice. I now had my own small office, however I didn't spend my time in there as I preferred to be with the children. At the moment I was helping one of the volunteers go through a bunch of donations. We had clothes, toys, toiletries and many other items to sort. Considering we were in Gotham, it was nice to know that so many people still cared about children's wellbeing.

"So, have you managed to find a new location yet?" Samantha asked as she folded up some clothes to put into a pile.

"Not yet, unfortunately. There are some options, but I want it to be perfect. These children deserve the best so I don't want to rush into anything."

"That's understandable. Hopefully you find something soon. We have so many new children coming in and sooner or later we're going to run out of space."

"Hence my rush in trying to find somewhere. Ideally I want it to be out of the city a bit. So they can have their own grounds and feel safe. I just don't think it's ideal them being right in the middle of the city."

"I agree," she mumbled. "It's so nice to have you around more too. I know you've had a lot going on lately but it's so nice you're able to come and put you're all into this," I went to reply but she interrupted with some excitement in her voice. "Oh look, it's Mr Wayne."

I noticed her looking behind me and I turned around to see Bruce entering the room. He was carrying a large cardboard box and had a smile on his face. It was very evident I was surprised to see him. Placing the clothes down, I made my way over to him. He actually looked really well, and not to mention very handsome.

"Hi," I happily greet. "What a pleasant surprise to see you here."

"I thought these could come in handy here. It's new pyjamas for all the children here. There's a bunch of different sizes. Dory helped me pick them out," he explains handing the box to me.

I wasn't surprised by this as he was always very charitable, but it was very thoughtful and kind which meant everything to me. I took the box and placed it on the table beside me.

"Thank you, that's really kind. You know how much I and everyone here will appreciate that."

"It's not a problem," he said running his fingers through his messy hair. For once it wasn't really brushed back and it appeared he had just brushed through it with his fingers. Honestly it made him look even more handsome. "Well, I should get going."

"Sure. I'll see you later?"

He nodded and cleared his throat before turning to make his way out of the room. I wanted him to stay. I had missed his company and now that he was here, I didn't want him to leave. I had been working all morning here and I was in need of a break anyway so I went after him, stopping him by the door.

Giving into you (Bruce Wayne/Batman - Robert Pattinson)Where stories live. Discover now