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Song Ji hyo POV

She stared at her reflection in the mirror , wearing red gown which reached till her foot and there a slit that start from her mid thigh . She wore red lipstick and smoky eyes , there is a diamond necklace and earrings , her hair is in a bun and decorated with pins . Conclusion , she was breathtaking and she can't even believe her eyes , she was far from the old timid girl .

Early at the Elevator ...

She was tremulous from fear , she dialed a number with a shaky hands . The rings goes on three times and finally , the person from the other side answer ...

"Hello , pretty girl " she heard the usual playful and cheerful voice .

"I run into  Jong kook oppa " she blunt out and she can hear the inhaling and exhaling sound from the other person .

"You ok ? " The other person asked her and she can feel that he is honestly worried about her .

"Well , I guess ...I didn't literally run into him but more like his best friend know Ha Dong Hoon , haha , right ? And I run into him " she finished and waited for the other person's replied .

"You run away from him , right ?" She looked at her nails which are painted red color.

"Who ? My husband or his friend ? " She can hear the chuckled from the person .

"You chicken out and run away from them , right ? And tell me , you mess up something ,right ?" She sighed ...why is he so intelligent ?

"I kinda tell his friend and I am Bella and not Ji hyo ...and I need you to fake my identity immediately . " She demanded. She heard another chuckled .

"Sometimes, I really regret for helping you to get away from him ...noona , listen to me . You know I will help you for everything , right ? But can't run away from him forever . We planned this cause we wanna him to feel the same way what we felt because of him . However ...what about Angela ? I will help you taking your identity , noona . But promised me that you will never run away from him . Show him the bad side of you , you are not the timid girl anymore that he tortured . You are the most powerful women in the world , the one who ruled her kingdom without a king . Make him regret and then...boom !!! Show your real self . " He said those words without breaking and she feel so grateful for that . He is right , she can't never runaway from him at least she need to make him regret ...she need to show him who she really is .

"Oh ...and don't worry , I will handle everything and for the next second , your colleagues will call you Bella ...oh and one thing ...went that party as someone's date not as employee and I already have your date in my mind . He just break up with his girlfriend cause she is a annoying bitch and I will immediately call him after that and...I will send the make up artists to you ...bye bye says Angela that her favorite uncle miss her " she tried to say something but that brat cut the call . She let out a sigh...

Present :

"Wow , mommy are like a princess. "she smiled at her daughter's voice . She is wearing her pajamas . She kissed her cheek ...

"Thank you baby " then , doorbell rings indicating her date 's arrival . She doesn't know how to feel about that . When she reached downstairs , she saw Hao and his mom invited her date into the house . They must be watching a movie ... And her eyes turned to the man , he is handsome , she admits .

"Hi , Nice to meet you . I'm son- can call me Bella and this is my daughter, Angela and her friend Hao and his mom . " She introduced everyone hoping that brat send someone who is good and has nice intentions. The man smiled ...

"Yes , nice to meet you all and I am Lee Dong Wook and don't worry I heard about you from that brother of mine ...we are not brother by blood but he is just like my real brother . ". He seems nice , she thought .

After , they said their goodbyes , they went to the car and pull out to the party.   She examine the man , and he is really a gentleman . Soon they reach their destination ...

Kim Jong kook POV

He was talking and discussing with his one of the investigator when he stopped talking and his eyes were glued to the entrance and suddenly he feel the stare the perople gave to the entrance even , Eun Hye who is his date was watching the entrance with awe , his back was facing the entrance so he can't see ,so he craned his neck and ...the glass he was holding smashed the ground ...there she is , a replica of Ji hyo ...she was breathtaking . Her face was just like Ji hyo even her cream color skin but ...her personality screamed different from Ji hyo . His wife was timid and shy while this woman looks like she ruled the world . All of the people are looking at her in awe , including him. But she isn't alone , there is a man beside her . Suddenly , his blood boiled dare he ? He had to warn himself that she isn't Ji hyo that his Ji hyo can't be here with him right now .

They make to him been line , when they stood infront of him , he had to hold himself from hugging her tight . 'it is not Ji hyo '

"Good evening , Mr.Kim and Mis.Yoon " the man who he now aware as his business partner , Lee Dong Wook . He extend his hands and he stare at the hands mindlessly . When , eun hye burshed her hands as warning , he took his hands.

"And this is Bella , Bella this is and Mis.Young " he introduced them ,  Ji hyo- Bella smiled at them and greet them .

" You are really Pretty Miss.Bella " Eun Hye claimed . Ji - Bella smiled at her ...

"You are pretty too Mis.Yong and I like your dress " all this time he is staring at her intensely although she didn't turn her head toward him . He feel like he knows her ...he feel Ji hyo in he. Before he did something stupid , he excuse himself and dragged Eun hye along .

The party went on and he is watching painfully Bella and Mr.Lee 's couple dance . Like a lighting , Bella was pushed by a woman . He get up from his place abruptly and went to the scene although he is kinda late . The woman slap Bella ....How dare she !!!!

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