Holy Grail War

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A punch to the face was all it took for Ruby to be knocked out.

Granted, it was a punch from an executioner of the church that caved her face in and caused the wall behind her to be cracked, but still.

Fortunately, Huntresses can take in as much damage as they dish out. Besides, Kirei's objective isn't to kill her. 

She is a valuable trading chip. Salem fears those that wield the gift of the God of Light. One could say she's too paranoid. That paranoia will be her downfall.

I yearn to see her look of desperation.

Everything has fallen in place. The fools.

With that done and out of the way, the blades of the Keys disappear, allowing for Kirei to take the knocked out Ruby into his own arms. They were constructed from his own Mana after all.

Someone else is around here. It's definitely not a mere Atlesian soldier or anything along the lines, but a powerful presence...

Kirei then started to run. Not out of fear, but to get to Ruby to her destination where she could properly be held.

The hallways are beyond clear. There isn't a single guard to be seen around these places. It's a ghost town.

That's right.

Lancer has already dealt with them all. He works as a good assassin, ironically. Normally, he'd object, but there's only so much a Servant can do against a Command Seal.

This presence isn't Lancer however.

In the corner of his eye, Kirei saw a flash of light. Reacting quickly, he pulled out another set of Black Keys.

These things practically cost zero Mana. It's good to keep them.

His attacker is familiar.

Three arrows were shot at the priest, but his high speed helped him deflect them with said Keys.

Kotomine then suddenly darted towards a large room, entering it.

Fall followed him regardless, drawing her bow once more, stopping in her tracks to inspect the now calm Kirei.

He slowly fell to his knees, setting down Rose before digging through her clothing.

Where is it... where is it...


He pulled out an object. A gold and blue lamp, usually referred to as the "Relic of Knowledge."

A wide grin comes to his face as he showed it to Fall.


"I believe Gilgamesh has two of these Relics. Will you join me?"

Cinder has always been a power hungry fool.

Indeed, a fool she is, for she does not know of Kotomine's true intentions.

Atlas Academy

Swords, spears, arrows, hell, even shields everywhere.

These people are like flies. They fly around all the weapons thrown are more of a bug than a threat.

The bastard literally owns everything in the world!

With the group all collectively tired, he could easily sit back and throw around his weapons without worry of them being used against him by Pyrrha.

They literally couldn't do anything but run around and dodge the weapons.

This is beyond easy. So easy, in fact, he might as well just pull out wine and sip from it while he's at it. The Gates of Babylon have such a low Mana cost it's stupid.

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