Long Into an Abyss

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After finally dragging Lincoln up to the dropship and restraining him, Bellamy rushed to grab Clarke so she could somehow fix him.

"Do you think she'll be able to do it?" I ask

"She has to. We can't loose him." Tavia frowns

Minuets pass and he finally wakes up, looking around confused. Once his eyes lands on us, he charged towards us but thanks to the restraints, we wouldn't get hurt.

More time goes by and Clarke and Bellamy come back.

Lincoln tried to charge at her which startled Clarke but Bellamy reassured her that he was restrained.

"I can't believe we're back here again." She gasps

"Can you help him?" Tavia asks

"I don't know... I knew Mount Weather controlled the reapers but I had no clue that they made them." Clarke frowns

"Wait if they can do this to Lincoln what're they doing to our friends?" I point out

Lincoln wouldn't stop screaming and trying to get free and all of a sudden he went quiet.

"He's convulsing." Clarke gasped

"What dose that mean exactly?" Tavia asks

Clarke eyed his bullet wound,

"What happened to his leg?"

"I shot him."

"Clarke he lost a lot of blood." Bellamy reminded

Clarke cautiously approached Lincoln and squinted her eyes.

"Can you shine the light in his neck?"

Tavia did as she asked and Clarke noticed needle marks.

"You think he's been drugged?" I ask


All of a sudden one of the chains attached to the wall broke free and Lincoln holds on to Clarke. Tavia yelled at him and tried to pull her away but he just pushed her back.

Bellamy ran to help Clarke but Lincoln grabbed him and head butted him.

Guess it's my turn.

I sneak behind him and kick his back leg, specifically the leg where he got shot causing him to scream and let go of Clarke.

Sadly, he got his other chains undone and Bellamy tried to shock him with the baton but Lincoln grabbed him by the collar and slammed him on the floor.

He started to repeatedly punch Bellamy and Clarke tried to stop it but ended up getting pushed to the ground.



Tavia hit Lincoln on the head with a metal pole, hard causing him to faint.


We were able to restrain Lincoln down with tape and chains.

"We need to stop the bleeding and get the bullet out. Hold his leg down." Clarke sighed

Tavia tried to give him water but he just spat it out.

"I'll get some more..." she grumbles

"O, once the drug's out of his system, he'll be back." Bellamy weakly smiled

"You can't protect me from this one big brother." Tavia said before climbing down the ladder

I sighed, "your mom would be proud Clarke."

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