Preverse Instantiation pt. 2

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I sat with Clarke as she took the chip out of Abby. Once Abby woke up they had a heartfelt mother-daughter moment that was ruined by Bellamy pointing a gun at her

"Hey no it's ok I used the EMP. She's back." Clarke reassured

"What about Ontari? Thought you said we had one shot with it?" Murphy questions

"Ontari is brain dead. She isn't an option. Is the floor secured?" Clarke asks

"For now yeah."

"Good. Then we have time." Clarke nods

"Time for what?" I ask

"An ascension ceremony."

"Clarke-" Bellamy began

"Bellamy Aurora is our only way. Luna refused the flame and Ontari is brain dead. Give me another option to defeat Alie and we'll do it." Clarke cuts Bellamy off


"Just be careful, okay?" Bellamy sighs

Clarke and I nod.

Tavia comes frantically running in.

"Whatever you're doing, do it fast."

"Why? What happened?"

"They're climbing." Tavia informs

We look outside to see everyone using ladders to help them climb up the building.

"Yeah let's hurry the ascension ceremony..."


I sit on Lexa's throne and Clarke moves my hair out of the way

"Are your ready?" She asks

I nod

She says the passphrase and puts the Flame in me. I feel it crawl inside of me and I close my eyes, groaning.

"Are you okay?" I hear Bellamy

"Give it a moment."

I wake up and smile

"I know how to defeat Alie. I need to take the chip. I have to go into the City of Light and find the kill switch."

"Uhh yeah seems like a great idea." Murphy jokes

"Aurora... Alie wants the Flame. If you take the chip, you're giving it to her. The second someone sees you, Alie will know you're there." Abby worries

"The Flame will protect me. I don't know how I know I just..." I nod

"I believe you." Bellamy says before giving me the chip

I close my eyes then before I knew it, I was in the City of Light.

I walked around town looking for clues for the kill switch. After walking into a crowded area, I notice Jasper walking with ice cream in his hand.

He sits down and smiles while taking in his surroundings. I try talking to him and even wave my hand in front of his face but he doesn't notice me.

"They can't see me." I realize before seeing a woman with her hair styled with the sacred symbol.

I then proceeded to follow her. A couple of minuets later, all eyes were on me.


I ran in the opposite direction with everyone on my tail. Sadly, they quickly caught up to me while I was running up some stairs and they kicked me down. There was so many, I didn't have a weapon and I didn't want to hurt these people since they were innocent.

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