Chara: Hermano

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"Hey, Hermano."

"Ano! What are you doing here?"

I run over to him, feeling an embrace that I haven't felt for a good few weeks of being in this prison.

"You didn't think I would leave you here on your own, would you? Scoot over."

 Without question, I moved to my left as he then sat beside me, smiling while holding a box before he pushed it over to my leg. 

"Open it, this is for you."

I smile, going over to the box I took off the lid. Gasping as I saw a stuffed lion along with a pretty flower bracelet. 

"Thank you! I love these!"

"I'm glad you do, hermanito. How do you like this place?"

I wish I could have told the truth, but I was scared that he would get into it with some of the kids in the orphanage, so I smile saying.

"I like this place, its cozy!"

I was only able to keep up the happy act for a while, until one day, my brother found me in the bathroom, as my hair was cut as well as my face while I cried silently, with my knees against my head.

"Challen?! Who did this to you?!"

I had no choice but to tell him the truth; at the orphanage, the boys would tease me for my accent, my long hair, the way I dress, almost everything about me, they judged it all.

"Ew! You look like a girl!"

"What's with your voice? It sounds funny."

"Your hair is so long for a boy! We're gonna have to fix you up, you look ugly . ."

They pinned me down and grabbed a pair of crafting scissors as they cut my hair, almost all of it, as my face bruised up from the harsh rocks on the ground that slit my skin.

The nuns stopped them, but only said that I should "Stop agitating the boys" as she put band aids on my scars.

I did nothing wrong, but back then, I thought that I did.

And after I explained the situation, my brother snapped, he stomped into the resting room as all I heard were some of the boys screaming, I ran into the room, seeing that my brother was gripping one of them by the collar of their shirt as he growled.

"If you ever touch my little brother again, you're the one who's gonna get a 'fix up' when I'm fucking done with you."

Pushing the boy back onto the bed, he rushes out as the nuns ran into the room, looking to see what was going on. As I quickly jumped into bed, pretending that I was asleep as I heard the boys cry in fear. 

Though my brother defended me, it didn't work for long, as they would still continue to bully me. I begged him not to hurt them as he it took a while for him to finally give up on trying to harm them. He would come every day, brining bandages for my wounds, food to eat, and clothes to wear that were similar to the clothes that the boys were wearing so that I could wear something that was comfortable for me to wear. 

As much as I don't say it, I love my big brother, he was always there for me when I needed him the most.

However, I was never there for him. .

"Hey, hermano mayor."

I sit down next to him, as his breathing was quiet. I laid down a stuffed bear on his counter along with some chocolates, it may have been stupid to leave chocolates that he wasn't going to eat, but you'll never know when he will decide to open his eyes, no one does, unfortunately.

"You've grown. . a lot. . . just like me. . . but with shorter hair." I laugh to myself. 

Kiliano looks a little like me, with the brown hair, long eyelashes, and even the same cheek dimples, but he has more of a masculine figure compared to me. 

Shit. . . I wonder sometimes. . . what would have happened if I didn't try to leave? 

What what have happened if I was there for him when he needed it? 

Maybe all of the madness is because of me. . . 

Maybe. . . this is all my fault. . . 


I snap out of my thoughts, looking over to see Frisk near our hospital room door as she waves.

"Don't mind me, I'm just checkin' on you. Mind if I come in?"

"N-not at all. There's a seat over there."

She then nods, as she goes over and sits on the other side of Kilianos bed. 

"How are you holding up?"

"Uhh. .  I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Chara. . you're like Pinocchio, you can tell when someone's lying by their body." She walks over to my side with her chair in her hand, as she then holds my hand while running her thumb across it. "I know that this can be hard, but pent up anger or emotions could lead to some negative things. . you can talk to me, I'm no snitch, I promise." she smiles, making me laugh as I then sigh.

"I was just thinking. . . what if all of this happened because of me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Kiliano started this because of me, he wanted justice for me and took revenge on people who didn't deserve death. If. . If I wasn't so stupid. . . maybe-"

"Chara, stop right there." Frisk softly shushes me, "None of this is your fault, you hear me? It is no one's fault. Life happens, you were a kid. You didn't have the right mindset or help. No matter how hard you think about this, it is no one's fault." She pulls me in for a hug. Her embrace was so warm, and my body just reacted on its own as tears fell from my eyes. 

"I hate to cut this short, but we need to get going back, okay? Maybe we can even stop at grillby's when we head back."

I then nod, as we then get up signing out and making our way out of the hospital. 

Maybe Frisk is right. . . I was a child after all but so was he. . . 

I need to stop overthinking so much. That's probably why Hanzo was saying that he saw grey hair while we were out bowling last week.

Either way. . . Kiliano is going to have some consequences when he wakes up from the city. . . 

But if they found out that Ano is my brother. . . will I have consequences too?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MISSION TALE II: Shattered Mirrors

A/N: Heyaa! I hope you all like this so far! It's gonna be a bit hard to develop a certain writing style for Chara's POV but I'll get it eventually! I hope you all have a great day, I love yall and don't forget to take care of yourselves!

And as always, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments! I love to read them <3 

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