Chara: Never Felt So Weak

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"Morning, Chara."

"Morning, Frisk."

It seemed like magic, Frisk was slowly going back to her normal self almost days later.

Though she's more quiet then usual, she has been interacting with all of us, and even forgave Asgore for the slick shit that he has said before she was abducted by the mole.

We've been discussing plans, but without Frisk with us. . . since she has signed for her resignation.

"How are you and the boys doing?"

"We're good, actually. We've been investigating. . . a lot. . "

"I'm sorry I'm not there to help. . . I would if I could but Asgore keeps praising on how I need rest."

"You do need rest, Frisk."

"I could never rest knowing that he is still out there. . "

"Who? Kiliano?"

Frisk stayed silent, before she then sat down on the chair.

"If I tell you this. . . Promise you won't get upset?"

"Of course not. . what's up?"

". . . So, um. When Elijah abducted me, he was praising about how much of a God Kiliano was. . . and how I disrespected him that day when I saved you from being stabbed. . . I think he was stalking Kiliano. . . ever since we found him. . . and at the hospital as well.  I was walking back home, and he grabbed me and took me to that warehouse. . . saying that he'll make me regret ever meeting you or Kiliano. . . I tried to escape, but. . . I was unsuccessful. ."

I listened, watching her body language to make sure that she wasn't pushing herself too far.

"He decided that he would take me to higher grounds. . . and took me to that orphanage. . he blindfolded me the whole time and just. . . tortured me. . . " Her voice broke slightly, "I've never felt. . . so weak. . . I. . . feel so stupid for just not being strong enough to fend for myself. . I. . I'm-"

"Hey. . . don't think like that." I go over and place my hand over hers, rubbing my thumb over the back of her palm, "You don't have to be G.I. Jane every single day of your life. . . its okay to be weak sometimes. . . he took advantage of your weakness and you have every right to feel this way. . . you're not stupid. . . you're brave. You proudly revealed his identity, and gave us more information that we could even find. I'm proud of you, seriously."

There was a moment of silence, Frisk looked down at her lap as she then looks up, 

"Thank you, Chara. ."

"There's no need to thank me. Thank you for blessing me with your presence. I'm glad that you're here."

". . . I'm glad, too. . ." She gives a small smile, "But. . . that's not the worst of what happened. . ."

"Its only if you feel like speaking on it."

"I do. . . Thanks. . . but I think that Kiliano didn't truly kill Elijah on that night. . ."

"What do you mean?"

"When he stabbed him, I heard him say something in Spanish. . something like "Nos vemos pronto, amigo". . . I'm guessing that he is planning on bringing him back somehow. . since they were friends afterall, right?"

"Right. . . Thank you for telling me this, Frisk. . I'll be sure to inform the boys about this. Speaking of. . I have to get going-"

"Wait! C. . Can I come with? Like. . . can I join back into the D.O.G.S program?"

". . Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Well, if you insist. We do miss our best detective yet."

"Pssh, aww. You're so sweet." She smiles, getting up as she goes by my side.

"You ready, Agent Gaster?"

"Ready when you are, Agent Dreemurr."

"Alright, let's move out."


a.n: I AM SOOOO SORRY ABOUT THE SHORT CHAPTER I SWEAR THERE WILL BE MORE BETTER ONES SOOON TToTT I love you all and be sure to take care of yourselves!

Also be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments! As always I love to read them uwu

Until then my loves, byee! <3

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