Chara: Dance With Me

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If Rose Lake wasn't already a shitshow, it definitely has the looks of it now. 

With a huge crowd of people bopping their heads to obnoxious music, and the weirdos who were making out behind the bathroom door, and you can't forget the bartender who isn't getting paid enough to deal with all of this bullshit. We have to deal with bigger things now; Alexander. . 

After his interrogation, we have set him to be under police authority. And, of course, you know how shitty the cops are with doing their own jobs. So, we have suspicions of Alexander being Kiliano's friend, of course, since he was a business partner for him, there's no chance that it can be anyone else, right?

"Ughh, I would kill for some good tequila right now! This music's giving me a headache." Hanzo whines, covering his eyes as I sigh.

"Same here. But we need to get to Alexander's office before the club closes for tonight. He has a higher chance of leaving when the crowd"s are cleared for the night time. It's better that we handle him during this hour."

"What if he runs off in the crowd? It'll be easy for him to hide in them."

". . If that's the case, we just need to be sure that he doesn't get out."

"Right. I'll handle him."

"You sure, Hanzo?"

"Yeah. I want to have a word with him. Alone." He grimaces, looking down to the floor as he then looks up at me with a smile. "Buy some tequila for me, yeah?"

"Of course."

"Thanks, Chars."

"Be careful."

"Of course, I'll call you from our mics if I'm in danger." He taps his ear before he then waves, leaving off into the crowd.

Walking towards the bar, my mind was filled with so many things. Why does Hanzo want to go alone? Is Alexander actually taking control of the Swads and Miels once again? Is he the mole behind the new murders? 

What if it isn't him? 


I then turn around, looking around until I then saw. . 


"Dance with me. . " 

Before I could even reply, she wraps her arms around my neck as she sways around. Unaware of what to do next, I hastily place my hands around her waist as I went along with her dancing.

"Frisk! What are you doing here?"

"The same reason why you're here. To talk to Alexander. ."

"How did you know about Alexander?"

"The police reported him leaving his home late at night and not being seen for almost fourteen hours. I suppose he was here, doing some suspicious shit. ."

"Wow. That was smart of you."

". . Can we go to the bathroom?"

"Why? Is everything okay?"

"Look over my left."

Doing as she says, I see a tall male who was wearing a silver animal mask of a lion. Not able to ee his face as he was looking right into our direction. 

"What the hell?"

"He's been staring at me since I've got here. He keeps getting closer and I have no clue as of what he has up his sleeve."

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