Chara: A Little Help Would Be Nice.

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Another week has past.

No signs of Kiliano or the mole has been found.

To say that I was not on the verge of a mental breakdown would be a complete understatement.

I feel like I'm stepping on eggshells here. I have no idea on what's right and what's wrong. 

I have no clue on who to believe

Or if any of the pieces of evidence that we have received is reliable at all.

More people are dying; and we're just sitting ducks.

Luckily, I have Hanzo now with me to be both physical and moral support. 

"Hey, don't beat yourself up, Chars. You did great! We did great! We got this, don't worry."

I wish that I could believe him, however, how could I if two criminals are out roaming free on the streets. . jeopardizing the lives of the people in our town.

And to make this scenario worse, Frisk is still M.I.A . . even Hanzo couldn't find her anywhere. We checked almost every hotel in Sardon and none of the people in the hotel, including staff, saw a woman who fit Frisk's description. I still attempt to call her number, assuming that her phone is either off or dead as it goes straight to voicemail. 

My father walks into our investigation room once again, with his face gloomier than this entire town while held a box in his hands. Sitting down at Frisk's desk, he began to place some of her stuff in the box, making both me and Hanzo stop our conversation as I sat up from my seat.

"Dad? What are you doing?" I ask, while he remained silent, my question not bothering him while he then started to unplug the computer at her desk.

"Dad. What the hell?" I go over to him, taking the box out of his hands as he looks up at me.

"Chara. She left. Only leaving a napkin saying that she was doing some business while we are dealing with serious matters at D.O.G.S. I could only tolerate but so much of her disobedience for our missions."

"Dad. She was the one who found Kiliano. She saved me from him, for Christ's sake!"

"Rules are rules, Chara. We can find both Kiliano and the mole perfectly without her."

"Bullshit." Hanzo adds, walking over to us with a frown on his face. "You can't just block her out. She's the best fucking agent you got in this joint!"

"She isn't an agent. She never claimed to be one this entire time."

"She still did a whole bunch for us!" Hanzo stomps. My father closes his eyes as he held his temple, sighing.3

"And she still left."


"She's a criminal, Chara. That's how she saved you. How she saved both of you." Dad gets up with anger in his eyes. "The reason she knows so much about criminals is because she is a damned criminal herself!"

"W-wouldn't you like someone like that on your team?!" Hanzo asks, slightly stuttering at his words.

". . . We don't need you either. You can make your leave as well, Mr.Takuya. ."

"Pssh. Don't have to ask me twice. If Frisk leaves, I fuckin' leave. No questions asked." He huffs. Grabbing his stuff off of his desk as he snatches the box from my hands, taking Frisk's stuff as he then storms out of the investigation room and out of the building to his car, I assume. . 

"Dad, what the hell?!"

"Chara, I'm being serious. She isn't safe. She's dangerous. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she was working with Kiliano. ."

He did not just. . .

"Dad, why would you-"

"Think about it. When you were kidnapped, Frisk calmed down Kiliano, right?"

I remained silent, so responding to him, he then continued.

"She managed to calm down one of Sardon's most aggressive murderers. . . how? Because she is one of them herself."

". . Do you know how stupid you sound?" I look up at him, "She wouldn't give herself the buttercups if she was working for them."

"You'd be surprised how much she could do. . they're smart, Chara. . we've learned from the mole. . we've learned from Kiliano. . now, we can't risk any more of those heathens to get out our information, you hear me?!"

"I don't know what type of drug you took today, or whatever's in your medication, but your mind is most definitely not thinking right. . I know Frisk. . she wouldn't just lie to us like that."

"Would you have said the same about Kiliano?"

Why does he keep comparing Kiliano to Frisk?

How much does my father know about him. . ?

Either way, fired or not, I just hope that Frisk and Hanzo are okay. . I can't afford to lose them both.

After our heated argument, I decided to leave the building and make my way back home. Blocking my father's number, I made myself a TV dinner meal so that I could watch Batman and think about whatever happened merely a few minutes ago. 

While I went to go into the shower, I heard small grunts of pain along with small cries. Concerned, I walked towards the sound as I stopped, seeing a glowing red light just behind my kitchen counter. Slowly looking over, I saw. . . 


She was laying in a pool of blood, holding her stomach that was bleeding out as her body was letting out a glow of red. She looked up at me, with a smile on her face, blood seeping from her mouth as she coughed.

"Hey. . . a little help would be nice. . ."


A/N: HIIII I'm so sorry for the small hiatus TToTT school has been the fucking worst, but I'm back and I kicked writer's block's ass! Soo I think I will be able to post a chapter or two between today and tomorrow, and if not than I am so sorry <3 thank you all for being here and I hope you all have a great day! I love yall and be sure to take care of yourselves! <3

Also, as always, be sure to share your thoughts in the comments! I love reading them <3

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