Chara: Better Together

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The reunion of the 4 musketeers was bitter sweet.

They tried to go in and give Frisk a hug, but  it resulted in her almost stabbing them both with a plastic knife as they both screamed for their lives. 

She wasn't quite ready for that yet and of course, we understood completely. 

But we did help her place her stuff back onto her desk, secretly. . without my father knowing a damn thing that was happening in here with us as we laughed and talked like we usually do. Frisk stayed quiet, but she still replied with nods and small laughs at our jokes. 

"Alright, so I got some info from Frisk yesterday. . do you mind if I share them?" I look over to her as she shakes her head.

"So basically, she has said that Kiliano has some plan of bringing Elijah back from his current state somehow. We don't know how, but we truly need the morgue to check on Elijah's body for every thirty minutes or less."

"So. . . he killed Elijah on purpose?" Hanzo rubs his chin as Asriel gives him a look.

"Of course he did, dumbass. He stabbed him over twenty times."

"Oh, shut it, Captain goat dick jr."

"What type of nickname is that?!"

"A douche nickname that fits you and your meaty dad perfectly!"

"Guys." I call out to them, "You two argue like a old married couple. We need to get this investigation on the road before Kiliano gets to the finish line on this."

"Okay- First of all; we're not a couple. Asriel's just a dick." Hanzo explains calmy as Asriel growls before he takes aggressive sips out of his mug of coffee. 

"But like Hanzo's said before, these dudes are smart and creative. . . and would think of places that we haven't thought about before. ."

"Ah, yes, Picasso moves."

"Hanzo." Asriel call out, rubbing his temple as Hanzo smirks, 

"I'm so honored at the fact that you like saying my name so damn much, Dreemurr. Want a kiss?~"

"Die in a hole."

"Nah, how about I dive in your hole?~"

"Guys!" I call out again as they both apologized and sat at their seats. 

"Do you guys have any ideas on what Kiliano could be doing right now?"

"Probably planning on getting Elijah back." Frisk spoke up, making all of us look at her in awe. "They were friends after all. There's no way Kiliano would just stab him like that. . but he did break the rules of his business. . . trying to continue Kiliano's regime without his permission of course. But the possibilities are endless. I feel like going back to the orphanage is the only way of finding out what's more to Kiliano's plan. But, Chara, if you don't wanna go, its understandable."

"Agreed." Hanzo smiles at Frisk, making her smile back at him as he laughs, "Its good to see you back, home girl. We missed ya', especially him~" Hanzo slithers his hand towards me as I scoff.

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