Chara: More To The Problem

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One week. 

It's been a whole week and we still have nothing.

I mean, the possibilities are endless. 

But we don't have any leads so far.

Hanzo, poor guy, he's been sleeping at the MTT resort and Burgerpants said that he hasn't left his bed in days. Didn't even want to eat any of the food that he offered him.

Frisk, hasn't seen her in days. Tried calling her but there was no response. 

Believe it or not. I feel almost useless without them. . 

Asriel has been keeping look out for Kiliano, but he tries his best to help. And he's been the only help that I could get. 

I just have to think outside the box with this. . .

What would Frisk do?

She would probably go out and look for shit herself, but she does it in a very smart way. 

She's also observant. She looks through anyone and everything. 

She also carries a gun with her almost everywhere; but I don't think we need that right now. . .

The suspected mole now is seen wearing a lion mask. . . 

Could a lion be significant in this situation?

Wait. . 

Earlier this week, I met up with Kiliano to ask him some questions. .

"Do you remember any of the memories from home?"

"Well. . . I could only remember my high school days. . forgot the name of the place, but we had a lion mascot. My friend used to have to be the mascot for the football games that I was in and we would always laugh about it."

At this rate, I have everything, but have absolutely nothing at the same time. 

I went back into the interrogation room, while Alexander sat with boredom in his eyes. 

"Hey, Dreemurr. What do you need?"

"So. . . ahem. . . I heard that your last name was Brambilla. . . are you married?"

"Yes. . why?"

"Ah . . I feel bad for the woman who decided to marry you."

"I have a husband."

" . . Oh. . . well, vice versa. He made a mistake putting a ring on your finger."

"What do you want from me, Dreemurr?"

"I believe that one of your brothers went to a school that had a lion as their mascot."

"Lion? You mean like Holland High?"

"Yes! Ahem . . . Do you remember which one of your brothers that has went to Holland?"

"We all went to Holland. It was closer to our house in Ebbot, so we had no choice."

Damnit. Now we're back to base 1.

"Well, um. Do you remember any of your brother's dressing up as a mascot?"

"Uhh. I think so, our youngest, he wanted to join the football team, but they didn't let him in because of his flimsy figure. So they made him the mascot."

"Do you remember the your younger brother's name?"

"Sorry. I don't."

"Well, thank you for this information, Mr. Niel. Have a nice day."

"Of course. Every day's wonderful being sent back into this hellhole." He sighs as I walk out of the room. Going back into the investigation room, I searched on my computer for Holland High, the school wasn't far from where the Brambilla's lived from, so Alexander didn't lie about that. .

I searched thorough a PDF of the yearbook, which was surprisingly on their website, as the yearbook had almost thirty years worth of students. 

Even though I can just look for Brambilla for every year, I have no clue when the youngest Brambilla graduated. And nor do I feel like doing the math.

I think that if I ask Kiliano which year that he graduated, I will have the mole's identity in my grasp. 

Time for another trip to the hospital. Again.

A few minutes later, I pull into the parking lot of the hospital. Rushing towards Kiliano's floor there was cops everywhere. Caution tape spreaded all across the hospital floor as I finally made my way to Kiliano's room. Asriel was standing beside it as he then looks over at me and pulls me in for a hug.

"Thank goodness, you're alright! We've been looking for you."

"I was at the D.O.G.S building. . what's up?"

". . It's Kiliano. . . when dad went to visit him today. . he panicked and crashed out of the window."


Moving Asriel to the side, I look open the hospital door to see that the window to the room was broken.

Jesus, what's up with Kiliano and breaking through windows?

But the worst thing is that not only that the mole is still on the loose. . . but so is Kiliano. . .

Why would he be afraid of dad?

Wait. . .

No. . .

Did he. . .

Even lose his memory at all?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MISSION TALE II: SHATTERED MIRRORS

A/N: I'M SO SORRY I KNOW THIS CHAPPY SUCKSS TToTT but I promise it'll get better soon! I love you all and be sure to take care of yourselves! <3

Also, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments! I love to read them! <3

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