Chara: Breathe

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It is the most wonderful time of the year; and my head is still filled with negative thoughts. 

"Chara? You good?"

"Huh, oh, yeah."

Frisk and Hanzo decided that we should decorate the D.O.G.S building for the holidays, not that it wasn't a good idea, it was just that we have been in this mall for almost four hours. . looking for Christmas stuff. . . 

"Frisk! Look! It's Santa twerking!"

"What the fuck, Hanny. . "

But, I have to admit; being with them really calms down my mind. . . 

With Asriel, he went out with mom to go to the UK for a bit to visit some of the monsters who lived in the ruins for the holidays, and shockingly, dad was able to go with them. I decided to stay here, since I didn't want to feel like the black sheep as I already have a lot on my mind. 

When I told Hanzo and Frisk about it, they never left my side. They refused to leave as we even went to Hanzo's house with his mom. 

His mom was a sweetheart. Since we were able to get her the right prescription for her anxiety, she was glowing with happiness while she cooked for us and had a nice chat with both me and Frisk. 

Now, Christmas is in two days, and dumb and dumber are looking for the 'best' decorations imaginable for our building. 

"Can we please buy that Santa?"

"For what?"

"For my desk!"

After a while, Asgore finally decided to let Hanzo be a part of our team, we even managed to arrest majority of the Swads who were working with Kiliano with his help. 

"Your desk already has enough shit."

"I deserve nice things too, Frisk!"

"Its a desk, Hanzo. Not a fucking entertainment center."

"A desk can be used for multiple things, jackass!"

I let out a chuckle from their small argument as Frisk then turns back to me.

"You okay, Chara?"

"Mhm. Just enjoying this long walk."

"Oh, don't worry, Chars. This walk IS gonna end soon, my feet hurt." Hanzo puffs, holding his hands on his knees. Frisk rolls her eyes, leaning onto the store cart as she looked around. 

"Is there anything you want from the store, Chara?"

"Nah, just hanging out with you guys is enough."

"Aww! I feel so honored, Chars!"

"There was no way we we're going to leave you alone for the holidays! we leave no human or monster behind," Frisk smiles as she nudges my shoulder. "How about we go to my uncles house for Christmas eve? I think they're having a nice Christmas party."

"If there's free food, count me in!" Hanzo shakes the cart as I laugh.

"Yeah, count me in too."

"I mean, everyone's invited, except for anyone that we find suspicious."

"Understandable." Hanzo says as he nods. 

"Are we ready to go in line? Its getting a bit crowded here. . "

"Oh sure! Ready, Frisky bits?"

"Call me that again, and I'll break your jaw."

"I'll take that as a yes, my dear!~"

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