Chara: Alone

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"Dude, you missed everything that has happened-" 

"I know, Hanzo. . ."

"You better know -- Asgore is heated at you!"

"So what? What did he have to say that was so important?"

". . . He kinda kicked us out of the case-"

I don't even know what happened next. . it was like I wasn't even in my own body when Hanzo said those words out of his mouth. 

"What do you mean we're off the case?!"

"Frisk was badly hurt. . "

"Yes, she was stabbed in the leg. . she's been through wo-"

"A swad member rushed up to her and ripped some of the flowers off of her arm while she was on her way back."

Silence filled both the investigation room. . . and my own thoughts. . 

When the cure for the Buttercups finally cleared, researches found that if someone was to pull out the buttercup flowers from the roots, it would harshly damage your nervous system and could potentially kill you based in how many flowers were pulled out of the said limb.

Though most likely, Frisk didn't die, but I can't imagine the insane amount of pain that she is in as of right now. . .

"But. . . why all of us?"

". . . You guys almost died messing around with Elijah. . . I don't need to take anymore chances with you all getting hurt. . . Undyne and a few other strong troops are willing to help us with this case since its starting to become a national problem. The Swad was arrested and is now being interrogated as to her co workers whereabouts."

". . Dad. . Like I have said before. . I'm a detective. . . I risk my life in exchange for helping millions stay safe. I'm not leaving this case, we aren't leaving on this. And if you decide to boot us, we'll improvise."

My dad remained silent, looking down grimly as I sigh. 

" . . . Where is Frisk? Is she doing any better?"

"I wish I could say yes. . she's down at the medical bay now. She's getting treatment; thankfully, not all of the flowers on her wrist was ripped off, but it did do a lot of damage to the nerves in her body. So she is unable to fully function as of right now. ."

I nod, before leaving out of the investigation room and down towards the medical bay, I searched around a few rooms, completely forgetting that I could have just went over to the nurse for directions, as I made it into Frisk's room minutes later. When I walked in, she was drinking fruit juice out of a box as she stared at the TV before looking over at me.

"Chara. . you alright?"

Her voice was very soft, almost like a pained whisper as I nod. 

"I'm fine. I'm more worried about you than anything. . "

"I appreciate it. . but I'm okay. . "

"Define okay."

"Alive. . . breathing. . . not dead.  ."

I hate to say it, but she has a point.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there. . . "

"Don't apologize, Chars. 'S not your fault, I promise. No one was expecting it, not even me. I'm glad we were able to catch the fucker before she got away. ."


"Where were you?"

"With Alphys, I wanted to ask her about some of Wing-Ding's experiments and what he did while he was with her."

"Did you find anything?"

"I found a lot actually. . ."

"Have a seat! I've been bored in here for hours, with a numb left arm and lower half while watching a Sesame Street marathon."

"Well. . this one is  doozy . . . so prepare yourself. . ."

"Mhm. . . what is it?"

". . . I have suspicions that. . . your grandfather may have experimented on Kiliano. . . and that he also has the same abilities that you hold. ."

"Oh, fuck." Frisk gasps, dropping her fruit juice onto her table as she lets out a small curse. I picked up the juice box for her as I placed it back in her hand, while she stared at me with a shocked look on her face.

"Why do you think that?"

"I was reading one of Wing-Ding's experiment reports, and he experimented on a homeless teenager who volunteered to take a part as a experiment for Wing-Ding's project in making super humans. When I read them Wing-Ding said that he asked the boy as to what he would do with his powers, and he replied saying that he 'would like to avenge his brother who died in the arms of the hateful, and would take revenge on the ones who did such wrong to him.'. . as Wing-Ding never saw him after that day. . ."

Frisk continued to look at me with wide eyes, her hands shaky as she placed her juice box onto her table while she took deep breaths. 

"If your theory is right. . . then we're fucked. I hope you know that I still don't know how to manage my powers just yet. . . no one could go against him . . ."

"No, its okay. There's no need to. . because I'm going to face him alone. ."

"Alone? Are you serious?"

"Kiliano may kill all of these people and torture them; but he wouldn't kill me. Think about it, the reason he did this is because of me. Why would he come this far just to kill me. . ?"

"Chara. . . he almost killed you that day when you were at the warehouse. . . what would have happened if I didn't stop him from swinging the knife?"

"He probably knew you were there. He knew that someone was watching him, I remember. . . when he was about to stab me, he was looking back to see if anyone was there."

"Chara, you do-"

"I know. . just trust me on this, okay?"

There was silence for a moment, Frisk sighs as she holds out her hand and softly grabbed onto mine.

"Don't die on me, okay? I'll dig you up from six feet underground just to bring you back to life if I have to. ."

I smile, squeezing her hand softly as I smile,

"I won't. I promise."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MISSION TALE II: SHATTERED MIRRORS 

a.n: AHHHHHHHHHH this book is about to ennnd *tears* but MT III will most DEFINENTLY be posted just after this one is finished <3 I hope you all are enjoying this series!

I love you all and be sure to take care of yourselves! <3

Also, as always, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments! I love reading and replying to them <3

Until we meet again, loves! <3

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