Chara: El Diablo Está Vivo

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"Help me! Please!"

She limped as fast as she could, blood following behind her bruised body as her only support was the bricked wall beside her. Her nails chipping from the jagged bricks contacting with her soft hands, forming cuts that would hardly bother her in the time being. Her hair was wild, covered in debris and blood, while she was only wearing her undergarments.

A big gash was on her stomach, while she only had on one of her shoes, which only made it more harder for her to run away from the bloody man behind her. 

"Get back here!"

A silent yell emitted from behind, only making her heart pound faster with anxiety. Hoping to escape, she pulled down trash bins and pushed dumpsters to make it harder for him to reach her. Though, it only stalled him for a few seconds as he yanked onto her brown hair, pulling her back towards his direction as she screamed out as loud as she could.

"Let go! Stop! Help! Anyone! Please!"

Her voice was cracking, but it was strong, and echoed across the alleyway that they once stood. 

Tired of her cries and attempts, he slammed her head onto the wall, and that was all it took for her to lose her erratic consciousness, her light body now dropping onto the floor, making the man groan,

"Finally. ."

With that, he pulled her back in, before the slamming the door shut. 

This was all seen on a camera close to the warehouse, from a small laundromat where the manager heard screaming coming from the side of her shop.

"Before I could even try to call the police, the screaming stopped, and no one saw the poor girl. . . they only saw her dragged blood on the concrete!"

They were once in the warehouse, where he tortured her, but now. . . they're both gone.

No trace of them to be found at all. . .

"Stop fucking telling me to relax! She could be dead out there! Cold and alone! And we failed to save her!"

"How were we supposed to know, Chara? You guys are not at fault here."

". . Fuck, where's Azzy? I need him. . . "

"Don't worry, he's going to pick up Hanzo. . . just take a deep breathe for me, Chara. Please. We can't afford you breaking down right now."

"Heh. . . fucking relax. . . deep breaths. . . she was running away naked and bloody, dad! Lord knows what they have did to her!"

"She's a strong woman. . . she is able to defend herself."

"Not all of the time, dad. She needs someone to help her too. . . just like us. . ."


"Fuck. . . I need to go. . ."

"Don't, Chara. We can't risk you-"

"Oh, can you stop with the 'ohh, you can't leave out, you can get hurt' --  we're fucking detectives! We can't just be like sitting ducks just because we could get a boo-boo from a fucking criminal!"

My dad looked up at me from the couch, as the door then opened, Asriel and Hanzo rushed in as Hanzo pulled me in for a hug.

"Fuck, Chara. I'm so sorry . . "

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