Chara: It Just Keeps Comin'

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"So what is it? Is he alright?"

"He's fine. But I think you should speak to him. . he was acting very strange when he woke up."

I run into his hospital room. Seeing that he was finally awake as he looked around with wide eyes. 


"Wha- how do you know my name?!"

". . Leave me alone with him, please. ."

The nurse nods in response, walking out as I then take a seat beside Kiliano's bed. 

"Hermano? It's me, Challen."

"Challen? I don't know a Challen. . .  and I don't have a brother."

"Quit the act, Ano. You know who I am." 

"Seriously. I don't. I'm still trying to figure out why I am in the hospital to begin with."

At this point, I couldn't even open my mouth to speak. . 

Kiliano. . . he doesn't remember me. . 

Is this just a sick joke?

Or is he being serious?

I walked out of the hospital. Not saying a word to the nurses or the other agents as I went outside to my car. Over near the parking lot, I saw Frisk parking her motorcycle, taking off her helmet as she then looks up at me before she then runs over to hug me.

"Hey. The team told me the news." She pants, holding onto me tight. I wrapped my arms around her, as tears fell down my eyes.

I can't seem to understand why I'm crying. . . he's a criminal . . . a horrible. . . horrible. . . criminal. . .

Frisk escorted me back to the D.O.G.S building, buying me a drink from Grillby's since I insisted that I wasn't hungry enough for her to buy me any food. She understood, and bought me a drink to calm my nerves. 

"This has brought a huge dent into this case. . " I mutter, biting my nails as I paced around the investigation room.

"Isn't he set to be on death row this year?!" Hanzo gasps, spinning in his chair at his desk nervously as Frisk grimly sat at her own. 

"Yeah. ."

"Shit. . we can't just kill him off if he doesn't even know what he did, right?" Hanzo gets up as he walks over to my side.

"Right. . I'm just gonna have a word with my father about it."

"I can do it for you." Frisk says, looking up at me. I then smiled as I shook my head.

"There's no need. I got this."

"You sure? You almost lost your shit at the hospital earlier."

"I'm sure, Frisk. What you two could do is look through some important notes in Kiliano's files so we could present it to him for tomorrow. Can you two do that?" 

The two nodded in response, before they then go onto their computers and started typing. 

"I'm gonna have to call my dad about this case. He can't just come back from the UK this quickly."

"Why not?" Hanzo asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Because, it's the holidays."

"Who cares? It was already shitty enough for them to leave you here." Hanzo puffs as he then gets up from his chair to stretch. 

Mission Tale II: Shattered MirrorsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя