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"You ready for our Harry Potter marathon?" I ask Jesse. We got done with the second show in Atlanta last night.

It's a fourteen and a half hour drive to Toronto so we were gonna spend the day in the back lounge, binge watching Harry Potter.

I had made popcorn so we could snack on it. "Popcorn at seven in the morning, nice." He joked.

"If you want to wait, you can eat them stale." I joke with him. He flips me off as I start the first movie.

Maya and Levi were going to go sleep a little bit longer. I pulled the blanket over me so I could get comfortable.

"The first two movies are really kiddish but it gets better at the third one." I explain to him.

He sticks his hand in the popcorn bowl to grab some. "I can ask you questions if I get confused right?" I nodded my head.

My mom and I used to binge these movies. But sadly she never got to see the last movie.

"I know everything about the series so ask away." I smile at him.

He glances over at me. "What's Harry's middle name?" He asked.

"James." I instantly reply. He just rolls his eyes as I turn back to the screen.

We had the door closed so we wouldn't wake up the two sleeping.

I had texted Colby to let me know whenever he woke up.

After these past few weeks, Jesse and I really got close. I don't know how or why, but we really hit it off.

Don't get me wrong, I'm close to Maya and Levi too. It's just different with both me and Jesse.

And I think he can feel it too. We watch the movie in almost silence. He would occasionally ask questions.

Or he would make commentary about how he doesn't like Professor Quirrell. I just can't wait for him to see he's the bad guy.

"Not me, not you, Harry." Ron said during the chess scene. Jesse snorted with laughter.

"The poor kids acting his heart out." Jesse joked. I just shake my head while I watch the movie.

When it showed Quirrell was the bad guy, Jesse shook his head.

"I knew all along. That damn stutter didn't fool me." I start filming his reactions so I can make it into a series on tik tok.

It was too funny. It was nice to have a day to chill with Jesse watching Harry Potter.

When we get on the third one, Maya walks in with a cereal bar. "What are you two watching?" She asked when we walked in.

"Harry Potter. This fool hasn't seen them before." Maya dropped her jaw while she looked at him.

I turn over to see he was turning red. "You haven't seen Harry Potter?" He shook his head.

"Yeah, I already heard it all from Cassie." He shook his head. I can tell Jesse really enjoyed this one.

The third one was always my favorite. When it finished, he started stretching next to me.

"That's probably the best one so far." He admitted. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah, Sirius Black is a dope character." He raises his eyebrow toward me.

I knew he was scheming something with that face. "You into old man?" He asked with a hint of laughter.

I scrunch my nose over at the red head. "Nope, just like his character." I push his head back while getting up.

I had to take a bathroom and snack break. Levi was eating in the front while Maya talked to someone on her bunk.

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