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"I can't believe we missed that." Levi pouted as we stretched before the concert.

We had told the two about what happened at the bar when they staggered away from us.

I still can't believe Jesse threw the drink in the guys face while protecting me.

"I bet you were scared shitless." Maya looked over at him. I looked at Jesse to see he had wide eyes.

"Not gonna lie, I was shitting bricks." We all laughed a little bit.

I'm just happy Jesse didn't get hurt. I think us being in such good shape helped us with the running we had to do.

We wanted to make sure we were far enough away to get away before we stopped.

It was a crazy night honestly. When we get done stretching they put the ear pieces in our ears.

As they did, Justin came over to us. "Hey, there's the big man." He smiled towards Jesse.

Jesse glanced towards me and then back at him. "I heard through the grape vine you got into a bar fight." I figured word got around.

Jesse looked at me as I pursed my lips towards the two. "Cassie." He drug out the name.

"What?" I ask sheepishly. He just gave me a look causing me to giggle. "I couldn't help it. It's a funny story!" I laugh.

Jesse just shook his head towards me. "I think it's dope you did that. I wish I could've seen it." Justin told us honestly.

We gossiped about it for a little bit, but they said we need to get on the stage.

It was the first concert in Mexico City so I was excited to dance here.

And luckily, the whole concert was really fun. I can tell we all enjoyed our time on the stage.

I was currently backstage, hanging out with Jesse. Maya and Levi were looking on something on their phones.

"I'm gonna take this call." Jesse told me while standing up. He messed my hair up as he walked past me.

I move my head while laughing towards him. He turned to look at me over his shoulder, a smirk on his lips.

I just roll my eyes over at him. As he walked away, Justin walked over to me and sat down.

"You two seem to be getting pretty close." He pointed out. I look over to Jesse to see he was looking over at us.

He quickly looked away as he spoke on the phone. "Yeah, he's a great guy." I tell him honestly.

He raises an eyebrow towards me. "You guys gonna get together?" He asked gossiping.

I make a face and shake my head towards him. "I have a boyfriend back home." I tell him.

He inhales a breath while thinking about it. This time last year, I never would've thought I'd be having this conversation with Justin Bieber.

Hell, this is the most casual conversation I've had with him, and it's kinda insane.

Never say never, am I right? "Does he know that?" I look at him confused.

"Yeah, I've talked about him before." I look back over towards Jesse. I have no idea what Justin's trying to hint at.

"Jesse and I are just friends though." I remind him. Jesse gets off the phone and starts walking towards us.

"I would tell him that." He spoke. Jesse came over and sat next to us. It was really nice talking to them.

I love getting the chance to talk to Justin. He's such a genuine guy.

Once we get the all clear to leave, we all head back to the hotel.

I grab my macbook so I could facetime Colby. He answered on the second ring.

I could tell he was sitting on his couch. "How was the concert?" I explained how it went really well.

I told him what happened at the bar and he seemed to be really interested in the story.

We talked on the phone for a while. But he seemed a little distracted.

I think he's just had a lot go on because of youtube. I wish I could be there for him physically.

But I know he has a good support system between his fans, friends, and family.

I don't really hear from Colby the next couple of days. I know he's busy editing and I've been busy with everyone.

I'm either performing or touring the city. I was sitting on the front on the bus as we drove to the next city.

I had my airpods in, listening to Five Seconds of Summer. There's one song of theirs that hits home.

It's called close as strangers and it's the same situation I'm in with Colby. I really don't want to think it, but we are close as strangers.

We barely text each other anymore. Everything is changing between us.

I feel like we're losing each other and I hate that feeling. I feel like I'm torn in two.

I feel like I should be happy that I get to live my dream of dancing.

But I feel like I should be with Colby. I lean my head down and start crying.

I just don't know what to do. I don't want to lose Colby. But I didn't realize how hard this was going to be.

Luckily, they were in the back so they couldn't hear. As I sat there and cried, I wondered what Colby was doing.


I sit down on the couch with the drink in my hand. "We should play never have I ever." Kat suggested.

We were hanging out on her stream for her subathon. Most of us were here. The core four, Tyler, and Avery.

Addison was busy so she wasn't able to come. "I don't want all my shit up on the internet." Tyler said from behind me.

I look over at him, agreeing. "Yeah same here." I laugh a little. I check my phone, once again.

I haven't heard from Cassie in awhile so she must be asleep.

I feel like we haven't been the same the past couple of weeks, like we're drifting apart.

Everyone has noticed that it's been affecting me. They've tip toed around the topic.

"Okay, who would be easier to sleep with. Captain America or a great white shark?" Tyler asked making us laugh.

We debated on it for a little bit and it was actually a fun topic. We asked more stupid shit like that while we drink.

Every time there was a silence, I could feel myself wishing Cassie was here with me, witnessing this moment.

I just can't stop thinking of Cassie, wherever she is.

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