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After four months of being on the road all throughout North America, we were finally done.

We got done in Inglewood and I'm coming back home right now. I was happy I get to see everyone.

I had the month of November off and I'll be flying to Europe at the end of the month.

I missed my own bed and I missed the stability. As I drove to my apartment, I listened to music.

I had on the playlist Colby made for me a year ago. I love listening to Justin, don't get me wrong, I just have listened to him too much.

When I get to my apartment, I grab all my clothes and bags from the car. I was thrilled to see everyone again.

I never spent this long away from everyone. I was a little nervous to see Colby knowing the conversation we had.

He hasn't mentioned it so I don't know if he remembers it. I walk up to the familiar door and open it.

They should be awake, I just don't know what they're doing. I didn't see them in the living room so I drop my bags off in my room.

It's been four months, but it feels like so long. I could hear talking in Tyler's room so I went over to his door.

I swung the door open, seeing the two were sitting on their bed. I just shook my head towards them while they turned to me.

"I've been gone four months, and you guys aren't even gonna welcome me back." I joke with them.

Tyler hopped off his bed and ran over towards me. He engulfed me in a hug, almost knocking me over.

I laughed a little as I wrapped my arms around Tyler. I fucking missed him so much.

It's been such a long four months. We embraced each other for a little bit. When we pulled away, we both had tears in our eyes.

He's been my best friend since I was a teenager. And I'm so happy to be back home with him.

Avery got up and we both hugged for a little bit. I've missed these two so much.

"I didn't know you were coming back tonight." Tyler told me shockingly.

I went over and sat on the bed. "Yeah, I wanted to surprise everyone." I smiled a little bit.

They looked in between each other and back at me. "Have you seen Colby yet?" Avery asked quietly.

I sigh and shook my head. "He said some things the other night so I'm kinda nervous to see him." They furrow their eyebrows.

"What happened?" I told them everything he said. That he felt like things were changing and he asked if we did the right thing.

They both were pouting towards me. "I would talk to him in person. He cares about you." I nod my head towards them.

Before I wanted to talk to Colby, I wanted to get a nights sleep. So I went to my room, and slept throughout the night.

The next day, I figured I could go surprise Colby. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a thrasher hoodie before leaving.

I drive the familiar roads that I haven't driven in a while. I pull in to see he was home. I take a deep breath before getting out.

I walk in the house to see nothing's changed. I know it's only been four months, but four months is a long time if you think about it.

I walk around the downstairs area and I couldn't find Colby. I went to his room to see he was gone.

I was super confused. I went to Sam's room and knock on his door. "Come in." I hear from the other side.

I slowly open the door to see he was laying in his bed. He sat his phone down and looked down at me, surprise on his face,

Wherever you are || crbOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora